From February 5 – 9, HopNews conducted a survey inviting readers to provide feedback on the current Select Board. The survey was entirely anonymous, but included two demographic questions to aid in analysis.
In total, 668 people responded to the survey, and it was completed by 664. The majority of respondents identified as men and most respondents were between 50-59 years old. All but 53 of the responses were completed before the Select Board terminated Sgt. Tim Brennan in a 4-1 vote.
Overall confidence in the Select Board is exceedingly low. Almost 90% of respondents indicated that they were “Not confident” in the board’s ability to lead the town effectively.
In terms of specific issues, respondents gave the board primarily neutral scores on their handling of the issue of climate change, but otherwise felt that the board was “very weak” on 6 other important issues before the town.
The board scored very low in terms of trust and transparency. An overwhelming number of respondents felt the board could not be trusted to “do the right thing” for the town, nor did they feel they were “transparent” with residents.
Seventy-six percent of respondents had greater confidence in the leadership of past Select Boards, while almost 20% were undecided on the question.
Finally, respondents were asked to rank Select Board members in terms of their leadership ability. Amy Ritterbusch and Mary Jo Lafreniere ranked the lowest, while Chair Muriel Kramer received the highest marks.
Predictable when the poll is only completed by your readers.
B/T 45-70 yrs old
Do you have any data to substantiate that claim? We don’t, and we’ve never asked our readers to identify their party affiliation, particularly in light of the passing of Article 2 at ATM.
Registered Democrat who participated! Also … not yet 45 😉
I answered the poll and had similar feelings to the overall sentiment.
I think they aren’t handling some issues well, sure. Do I know anyone who could handle them better? No.
I think they aren’t as transparent as possible, but it’s very hard to be transparent with the constant attacks. I don’t see that as a problem.
I am undecided on my confidence in their leadership.
Yet, I still think they are doing what is best for Hopkinton.
Are they doing what is popular? No.
Popular opinion is not always the right opinion.
Could they do better? Yes.
Are they irredemable? No.
Not a Republican by any means but I do have ears, eyes and intellect and I know that this SB is needing to be tossed out. After 20+ years living in town I have never been so attentive to the ongoings of the town as I have for the past few years and I, for one, am appalled and done with it all. Time for change.
Absolutely not a Republican….would never support a party that embraces Trump. Long time independent voter.
Kind of painting with a broad brush when you say it is right wingers, A.S., with some sort of conspiracy to take over the town. I’m about as far left as you can get without moving to Scandinavia. Except for one bond issue decades ago in Illinois that was a vanity project for the school superintendent who was getting ready to retire and wanted a school named after him, I have voted in favor of every education initiative on my ballots since 1977. Every. Single. One. Unlike many people, I like the bike lane, just not the lack of planning behind it and the flawed execution. I just wish they had actually extended it all the way up West Main to Upton, so those of us who live on the other side of the tracks, uh, 495, could safely ride to downtown.
I have lived in Hopkinton for five years so I don’t have the long historical perspective of others commenting here. But I do know what has happened to Tim Brennan and his family, and to the survivor and her family, and it is appalling. So I based my no confidence ratings for this poll on the total lack of a consistent application of accountability for the most prominent officials in this town, elected and appointed. So this lefty joined with others who I am sure have different political leanings to make sure those officials know that I am not happy about their total abdication of leadership. They should all be ashamed, with the exception of Muriel Kramer, but their hubris will not allow it. And the town suffers for their total, absolute and ongoing incompetence, and will continue to pay the price in legal fees and damages once the town deservedly gets its ass sued repeatedly. Which of course taxpayers will have to foot the bill for. That’s good money that could be used to improve the services and infrastructure of the town that will instead go to pay for the bad deeds of these elected officials. My political bent has absolutely nothing to do with it.
Time for another survey:
What are the top 3 to 5 problems facing Hopkinton
Then the follow-up survey:
Who is responsible (assuming the problem is not natural or of long standing)