HomeNewsHayes Out at HDTC

Hayes Out at HDTC

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Shortly after 5:00 PM today the Hopkinton Town Democratic Committee published a statement on their Facebook page announcing the resignation of their Chair, Darlene Hayes.

This came in the wake of a HopNews investigation that identified Ms. Hayes as having used more than 24 pseudonyms to make comments on HopNews and the Hopkinton Independent, many in the run-up to the May 15 School Committee election.

>> RELATED: Chair of HDTC Used 24 Pseudonyms to Stoke Debate

In addition to presiding over the HDTC, Ms. Hayes also serves on the Board of Commissioners for the Hopkinton Housing Authority and the Board of Directors for the Hopkinton Chamber of Commerce. She is a full voting member of the Community Preservation Committee and is one of four moderators of the Real Housewives of Hopkinton Facebook group, whose membership numbers more than 4,100 women.

The statement from Members of the Executive Committee of the Hopkinton Democratic Town Committee reads:

Like many residents of Hopkinton, we were surprised and disappointed to read this morning about the online activities of our colleague and friend Darlene Hayes. As officers of the HDTC, we wish to make it clear that the Chair did not act on behalf of the HDTC or its membership. Such actions are not consistent with our principles of openness and transparency, or with our commitment to run positive campaigns. We have accepted Ms. Hayes’ resignation as Chair.

It was signed by Vice Chair Dick Duggan, Recording Secretary Ellen Rutter and Technology Secretary Amy Groves. Ironically it was a comment Ms. Groves left on an unrelated article that precipitated the investigation into Ms. Hayes’ online behavior.

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  1. I applaud the HDTC for taking action. I only hope the other organizations affiliated with this person will do the same! The vile behavior exhibited by Ms. Hayes is so obviously unacceptable and must not be tolerated by our community.

  2. I can’t even wrap my head around this! Definitely not even within the realm of typical adult behavior. Mean-spirited and just plain bizarre. Wish I had that much free time on my hands….

  3. I do not know Hayes whatsoever, but this is alarming to say the least. I would think she needs to resign from any other board she is a member of immediately, if they are to have any credibility.

  4. Agree with Lou! If all of this is true, she needs to resign from ALL boards. And get the help that she clearly needs.

  5. The thing that’s really important here is not so much that the bad actions of a particular person were exposed, as that genuine jounalism can make a big difference at the local level. This is, unfortunately, a rare thing these days, and I applaud the HopNews owner and staff.

      • Some of the local journalism to come out of this publication should be a wakeup call to the people at the Metrowest Daily News and Milford Daily News. Gannett is having its lunch eaten by this site.

  6. As an outsider but, 60 year past resident the Hopkinton democratic committee better set itself on a straight track and hopefully not be the tip of the iceberg.


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