HomeNewsSupercut: Brennan Supporters Express Outrage during Select Board Forum

Supercut: Brennan Supporters Express Outrage during Select Board Forum

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On Tuesday, January 30 the Hopkinton Select Board heard from more than 24 residents during the Public Forum portion of the meeting, many who expressed frustration with their handling of Sergeant Tim Brennan’s Loudermill hearing and the Town’s disclosure of personally identifiable information of former Deputy Chief Jay Porter’s alleged rape victim.

HopNews has compiled a segment of the most compelling speeches from that evening.

>> RELATED: Frustrated Residents have their say at Public Forum

>> RELATED: In Emotional Meeting, Select Board Punts on Brennan Hearing

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  1. Thank you to those that were brave and made the time to stand up to a bully and his parade of puppets. The chief and board have let us down but your voices give me hope we will get on the right side of this. Bennett is a shame. We deserve a chief who cares about the truth, the people, and the town- not the power. We need more Brennan and no more Bennett.

  2. I am still wondering why the only document seemingly NOT released to the public is the transcript of Chief’s interview.. interesting to anyone else?

    • HopNews has requested these documents and were still waiting for the town to produce them. We discussed this with Town Manager Khumalo again this morning and he has promised to look into it.

  3. The Select Board agenda for this coming Tuesday’s meeting is posted on the town calendar. I’m disappointed to see no mention of an update on the status of the Tim Brennan issue and the inappropriate release of private information matter, given the substantial town interest in these issues.


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