Buff Spencer

Buff Spencer is an artist and Board Member at Friends of the Hopkinton Library.

Hopkinton: Hot Times

Buff Spencer with a comment on the weather.

The HopkinToon: Annual Exodus

Buff Spencer illustrates the signs of the time.

The HopkinToon: Sarah Duckett

Buff Spencer honors Sarah Duckett, the late publisher of the Hopkinton Independent.

The HopkinToon: Game of Thrones

Buff Spencer submits a commentary on the most recent Select Board meeting.

The HopkinToon: Voter Turnout Challenge!

Will you vote on Monday, May 20? Add your name and a +1 in...

The HopkinToon: Clickergate

Cartoonist Buff Spencer was inspired by recent reporting of potential voter fraud at Annual Town Meeting.

The HopkinToon: Team Hopkinton

Buff Spencer is on the record for how she hopes this election will turn out.

On Your Marks!

Buff Spencer honors the volunteers that make the marathon happen every year.

The HopkinToon: Looking for Answers

Select Board Chair Muriel Kramer is seeking answers, and she's not the only one.

The HopkinToon: Decision Day

Buff Spencer sees echoes of history in the Brennan matter.