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HomeNewsTimeline: Porter, Brennan, Bennett, and the Victim

Timeline: Porter, Brennan, Bennett, and the Victim

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In light of the recent public hearing for Hopkinton Police Sergeant Tim Brennan, many readers have requested a definitive timeline of the sequence of events that led to Brennan’s possible termination. The timeline below was reconstructed from public records. John “Jay” Porter is presumed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The term victim refers to the alleged victim in this case, Porter’s accuser.

RELATED >> Town Violates Massachusetts Law, Releases Porter’s Victim’s Name

Porter becomes SRO
Porter becomes SRO

The victim is 14 years old. Porter is appointed as Hopkinton PD’s School Resource Officer and Tim Brennan is a Patrol Officer.

First Alleged Assault
First Alleged Assault

The victim is 15 years old, and is allegedly sexually assaulted by Porter in his patrol car. Porter is alleged to have “kissed” the victim and “fondled her breasts”. She told no one at the time.

Porter made Detective, Brennan SRO
Porter made Detective, Brennan SRO

The victim is 15 years old and turns 16. Porter is promoted to Detective, and Brennan succeeds him as the SRO at Hopkinton High School.

Victim Graduates, Porter is Patrol Sergeant
Victim Graduates, Porter is Patrol Sergeant

The victim graduates from High School. Porter has by now achieved the rank of Patrol Sergeant, while Brennan remains the SRO. At this point the Mandated Reporter statute no longer applies as the victim has attained the age of majority.

Victim stopped for OUI; Porter responds
Victim stopped for OUI; Porter responds

The victim is stopped by Officer William Burchard for suspected OUI and flees on foot. Burchard chases her down and holds her. Porter was on duty and responds, informing Burchard that he knew her. The victim was not arrested and was allowed to leave with friends.

Victim Attends College
Victim Attends College

The victim enrolls in college. Porter is a Patrol Sergeant and Brennan achieves the rank of Detective.

Brennan uses victim as babysitter
Brennan uses victim as babysitter

Between 2005-2008, the victim babysat for Brennan and his wife. The town alleges this is a policy violation, but no such policy existed until 2018.

Lee becomes Chief
Lee becomes Chief

Ed Lee becomes Chief of Police. Joseph Bennett, Porter and Brennan are all Sergeants.

Brennan Learns of Alleged Affair
Brennan Learns of Alleged Affair

The victim is now 25 years old. Sergeant Brennan learns from the victim that she and Porter had a consensual affair beginning on her 18th birthday and that they had sexual relations during those years.

Porter and Bennett become Lieutenants
Porter and Bennett become Lieutenants

Porter and Bennett are promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. Brennan remains a Sergeant.

Brennan first learns of sexual assault allegations
Brennan first learns of sexual assault allegations

The victim is now 28 years old. Brennan learns that in 2004, Porter had sexually assaulted her. Brennan concludes this amounts to indecent assault and battery, and advises the victim to report the crime. The victim refuses, and tells Brennan that if he reported she would deny it.

Porter appointed Head Coach of BVT
Porter appointed Head Coach of BVT

Lieutenant Porter becomes the head coach of the girls’ soccer team at Blackstone Valley Technical School in Upton. Bennett is also a lieutenant and Brennan is a Sergeant.

Chief Lee Steps Down
Chief Lee Steps Down

On March 25, 2020, Ed Lee resigns as Chief of Police.

Bennett becomes Chief of Police
Bennett becomes Chief of Police

On April 28, 2020, Bennett is appointed Chief of Police by the Select Board.

Victim stays silent; Brennan provides encouragement
Victim stays silent; Brennan provides encouragement

From 2017 – 2021 the victim is fearful for her safety. Porter is made Deputy Chief of Police. Bennett becomes Chief of Police. Brennan continues to periodically encourage her to come forward, explains the process and confirms her identity would be protected.

Victim decides to come forward
Victim decides to come forward

On 8/21/2022 the victim, now 32, decides to report the crime to the DA. She confides in Brennan that the abuse went beyond what she had originally stated, that Porter had digitally raped her when she was minor. Brennan informs her that this is criminal rape of a child, and…
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Victim reports to DA
Victim reports to DA

On 8/23/2022, the victim reports the rape to the Middlesex DA.

Brennan is interviewed by State Troopers
Brennan is interviewed by State Troopers

On 8/24/2022, Brennan is interviewed by Massachusetts State Police, and confirms the victim’s account of events.

Porter is put on leave
Porter is put on leave

On 8/25/2022, Porter is placed on administrative leave by Chief Bennett. Bennett calls Brennan to inform him that Porter is on leave, and that he knows why.

Kroll Investigation into Brennan completed
Kroll Investigation into Brennan completed

By February 2023, the Kroll report is completed and delivered to the town. Brennan continues on active duty until May 10.

Sergeants deliver letter of no confidence to Bennett
Sergeants deliver letter of no confidence to Bennett

April 26, 2023, a letter of no confidence signed by all six sergeants is delivered to Chief Bennett.

Porter retires
Porter retires

April 28, 2023, Jay Porter retires.

Porter is indicted
Porter is indicted

On May 1, 2023, Porter is indicted by a Middlesex Grand Jury. He announces on Twitter/X that he retiring from coaching.

Porter is arraigned
Porter is arraigned

On May 9, 2023, Porter is arraigned on three counts of child rape. He is released on bail and forced to wear an ankle bracelet to prevent contact with the victim.

Brennan is suspended
Brennan is suspended

On May 10, 2023, Brennan is placed on administrative leave. The victim is now 33 years old.

Public hearing for Brennan
Public hearing for Brennan

On January 19, 2024, the Select Board holds a hearing to decide whether to terminate Brennan, on the recommendation of the Chief. The meeting devolves and the Select Board elects to take no action, advising attorneys from both sides to “work it out” in 30 days.

Chief Bennett reveals victim’s identity
Chief Bennett reveals victim’s identity

On January 19, through a PR agency, the Chief of Police releases several documents used in the Brennan hearing. One of the documents identifies the victim by name, in violation of Massachusetts General Laws. Several media organizations make copies of the documents and distribute them publicly.

Brennan is Fired
Brennan is Fired

On February 8, in Executive Session, the Select Board votes 4-1 to terminate Brennan, with Muriel Kramer the lone dissenter.

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  1. The whole thing smells bad. The town has a Board consisting of someone who knows websites, a real estate lawyer, a social worker, a corporate data scientist, and someone whose profession is unknown. This is a bad look for the town, and they are clearly not qualified to make these types of decisions. As a fan of Tim’s, I am guessing the Chief is sacked, the Board is fired, and the town is sued. Tim should hire an attorney and he will collect $$$$$ in defamation of character amongst other charges. What a screw up by the Select Board! Tim….I would sue them for $20M or more.

  2. If I were Tim. I would file a civil lawsuit against the Town and the Chief of Police for Defamation of Character. That would be the 1st of my charges. I would also file charges against the Select Board for dereliction of duty. Hope the Select Board has insurance. I would start with $25 Million.

  3. This makes it easier to to understand the sequence of events. A couple of questions: First, why was Porter allowed to retire? Was the decision’s Bennett’s alone? What went on in terms of the Town Manager and/or Select Board between August 25, 2022 (Chief puts Porter on leave) and April 28, 2023 (Porter retires). If Porter is found guilty, does he still get to collect his pension? does he get health insurance, etc?

    • I have the same questions about this process. He retired 3 days before the indictment! Yet Tim Brennan is up for termination which would lead to him losing his. It just doesn’t seem justified, any of it.

  4. Tim…you should sue the town for $20M. The Select Board is a weak body. Incredibly weak. I have expressed this earlier to HopNews. The Chief needs to be terminated. He was pursuing an agenda, and not interesting in the crime committed by his former colleague. Stand tall Tim. You will overcome this and the taxpayers of Hopkinton will have to pay for the eff up by the Chief and the Board.

  5. Is it true that after the sexual assaults were reported, Brennan was told by the Middlesex DA not to tell anyone about the case? It seems to me that this department was not concerned about Brennan’s management of this issue or his interactions with the survivor. If the state was concerned by Brennan’s actions or inaction wouldn’t that have been noted? If the state wasn’t concerned why was the town entertaining a termination recommendation to begin with? The PD had to run an investigation, that makes sense, but I don’t understand how the results brought us to a termination hearing.

  6. This is really a sad story. This man’s entire livelihood and future is on the line and the Select Board is just a train wreck and unable to even comprehend the timeline let alone the nuances of this case. Some of the Select members are having Joe Biden senior moments not even understanding the timeline of events…….other so called “lawyers” on the board can’t even form a question of specificity or operationally defined coherence and we are supposed to have faith in this board as leaders??????

  7. The chief has an agenda.
    -Protect his friend the rapist.
    -Punish Brennan for not doing his bidding
    -Punish the Survivor

    Maybe we should find someone to lead the HPD who can “Protect and Serve” the community.
    Sgt. Brennan seems to be the type who fit this role well.

  8. Apparently the Select Board (4 out of 5 anyway) never read the U.S. Constitution. Porter is innocent until proven guilty, and, as such, has the right to know who is accusing him. Without the victim coming forward, how does the whiny SB expect any facts to come forward. Sgt. Brennan did EXACTLY the right thing, by avoiding the corrupt Police Chief (and best buds with Porter).
    Hang in there, Tim. There are many, many people behind you.

  9. Thanks for the timeline. It will help some people understand and remember the timing of events and important aspects of each date (for instance, the age of the victim/survivor at each date). I believe it would be even more valuable if the following are also included on the timeline:
    – when the policies Sgt Brennan is accused of violating were put into place
    – when the internal investigation of Sgt Brennan was initiated (Kroll investigation)
    – when the Kroll report was submitted to the chief
    – when the Kroll report was made available to the Select Board
    – when the proper documents were submitted to the Select Board by each side’s attorneys in preparation for the Loudermill Hearing
    – when the DA alerted Blackstone Valley Tech of allegations against one of its employees (I believe the DA was responsible for this once the allegation was submitted by the victim/survivor)
    – when Blackstone Valley Tech acted on this information (if they took action)

    Thanks in advance.


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