HomeOpinionLetter to the Editor: Center School Must Be Preserved

Letter to the Editor: Center School Must Be Preserved

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The Four Seasons of Center School

In the Spring we hear the sounds of birds announcing the end of winter as they forage for insects and seeds and build nests. Among them are cardinals, woodpeckers, bluebirds, and robins. Salamanders have been spotted emerging from decaying logs.  Even an occasional turtle has been seen near the stream on the property. 

In the Summer, young children and their friends enjoy having a picnic under the shade of the beautiful mature trees of the pine grove. The play at the safe, age appropriate playground.

In the Fall, the varieties of trees display their beautiful colors. Activities on the Town Common add to the enjoyment of the adjacent open, green space at Center School. A game of pickup soccer or an archery lesson sponsored by Parks and Rec take place here.

In the Winter, snow brings the joy of trying to identify the many different animal tracks. Cross country skiers practice on the challenging trails.

The open, green space behind Center School is a downtown treasure and it must be preserved for future generations.  The citizens of Hopkinton own this land! We should not give it to developers for any price or promise.

Beth and Rick Kelly, 5 Ash St

20th Century Homes

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  1. Thank you Beth and Rick for giving the Center School property some much needed exposure. I think the last thing we need in this community is another nice building torn down and turned into another million dollar gray house.

    I have an idea! I have been thinking a lot about this but am not quite sure where to take it or who to contact. I think we can all agree that Hopkinton values it’s identity as a nice town to raise a family. I moved here about 6 years ago for just that reason. The schools are great, even if a bit crowded these days, the town has a lot of sports and other activities for the kids to enjoy. We are lacking something that was the cornerstone of my youth growing up in western New York. We desperately need a Boys and Girls Club. A place for our kids to go after school, be safe and productive, learn sports and play, and ultimately grow into someone who can be a mentor for the other kids in the town. The Center School property has everything needed to become a Boys and Girls Club, from its existing gym to its beautiful outdoor area, to its proximity to the schools in the town. We could certainly use some of the building for admin for our schools, but a good portion could be a place where our kids could go and hang out and not be wandering around town causing trouble out of boredom.

    Just a thought.

  2. I so wish they would have made Center School the Marathon Museum. I made so much sense. They could have indoor training facilities, and housing for runners. And you already have Dick Hoyt’s statue out front. What a waste that a contractor is going to just tear it down and build something ugly, or put a nieghborhood of McMansions in there.

  3. I’ll never consider anyone a real Hopkintonian unless they went to Center school. #savecenterschool


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