HomeNewsPublic SafetyHopkinton Police Incident Log for May 15, 2023

Hopkinton Police Incident Log for May 15, 2023

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The police blotter is back with a few arrests, a growling squirrel on Main Street, Senior Assassin alarming some residents, and a goose on the loose.


  • On May 6, Weliton Da Silva Cassiano of Milford was arrested on charges of:
    • Straight Warrant Arrest
  • On May 9, Nicole Rae of Leominster was arrested on charges of:
    • Resist Arrest
    • Straight Warrant Arrest
  • On May 11, Jeffrey Joyner of Hudson was arrested on charges of:
    • Stealing a Car
    • Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle
    • Operating a Motor Vehicle with a License Suspension, Subsequent Offense
    • Possession of drugs

April 24, 2023:

  • A concerned neighbor called to report a male party that had been standing in front of his residence on Nicholas Road. It was just a group of high schoolers playing a game. All was good.
  • A caller reported that someone filed for SNAP under her name. Sergeant Brennan took a report.
  • Ashland Police Department reported that they had received a phone call regarding a man dressed in camp walking with a shotgun on the side of the roadway on East Main Street. Sergeant Brennan reported that he had spoken with two hunters at that location earlier in the morning as it was opening day for turkey season. Sergeant Brennan reported the vehicles were gone upon arrival.
  • A walk-in reported that she had found a cell phone on Church Street. The owner of the phone was contacted and would be picking up the phone.
  • A walk-in reported possible harassment. Officer Firth spoke with the party and took a report.
  • Officer LaTour assisted a disabled motor vehicle on Main Street. The car was removed from the roadway.
  • A caller reported that a suspicious vehicle had approached her on Tammer Lane and had given her dog a treat. Officer LaTour checked the area with a negative find.
  • A caller reported a possible fight or domestic violence on Woodview Way. Multiple officers checked the area with a negative find.
  • A female party called reporting that her grocery bags may have been stolen on Main Street.

April 25, 2023

  • Multiple officers responded to a school bus vs. mailbox accident on Smith Street. There was minimal damage to the mailbox. No personal injuries were reported.
  • There was a complaint of a tree company parked at the end of the roadway in front of the fire hydrant on Kimball Road. The caller reported that the company had been there for a while. The company was gone upon arrival.
  • A Third Road caller reported that her small brown dog had been missing for over two hours. Officer Salentik responded and checked the area with a negative find.
  • An anonymous caller reported a vehicle speeding through Teresa Road. Officer Ekross responded and spoke with the operator who reported that they would be slowing down.
  • A caller reported an intoxicated female who had gotten in her car and was driving on Hayward Street. Officer Salentik responded, but the female was gone upon arrival.

April 28, 2023

  • A car accident was reported on Main Street. Officer LaTour responded, and no personal injuries were reported.

April 29, 2023

  • A caller reported loud workers starting to work on Kimball Road before the 8:00 AM town bi-law. Officer McKeon responded and informed the crew of the bi-law.
  • A caller reported a disabled motor vehicle taking up a lane on West Main Street. Officer Beloit responded, and reported that someone was getting them gas and would be there in 5 to 10 minutes.
  • A 911 caller reported someone was cutting down trees in his backyard on South Mill Street. Officer McKeon responded and spoke to the homeowner.
  • A caller reported that her miniature schnauzer had been missing on Clinton Street for an hour and a half. Officer Normandin responded and checked the area with a negative find. A message was left for Animal Control.

April 30, 2023

  • A male party looking disoriented was reported walking down Hayden Rowe Street. Multiple offices responded, and nothing was found.
  • A caller reported a tree down on Kruger Road. Officer Norman responded and reported that he was able to move most of the tree out of the roadway. Ashland was called to advise as well.
  • A 911 caller reported a motor vehicle accident on West Main Street. Officer McKeon responded, and no personal injuries were reported. Arts was called to tow the vehicle.
  • A caller reported a loose dog on East Street. Multiple officers responded and called Animal Control. An officer was able to get the dog and return it to its owner.
  • A caller reported that someone was parked in her handicap spot on Woodview Way. Multiple officers responded, and called Arts to tow the vehicle, but the reporting party wanted to leave a note and not tow the vehicle.

May 1, 2023

  • Officer Grimley removed a branch from Hayward Street and reported that the high wire was hanging low in the area. Eversource was notified.
  • A caller reported an erratic/aggressive operator tailgating him, swearing, and honking as he was deriving into town via Cedar Street. Multiple officers responded, and were able to follow the vehicle for a while. The operator was reported to be out of the vehicle in the Price Chopper parking lot. The operator was spoken to.
  • A 911 caller reported that she was moving and a maintenance worker assaulted one of her movers on Woodview Way. Officer Staback responded and spoke with the reporting party and the victim. He was looking to speak with the other party.
  • A caller reported a broken tree branch hanging over Cedar Street. Officer McKeon responded and stated that small branches were hanging and were a danger. DPW was notified.
  • Officer Normandin responded to a report about a vehicle with a Florida license plate on Elm Street. A caller reported that the vehicle had been parked in a lot for over a week with right front end damage. No one was on scene, and Officer Normandin spoke with the reporting party and told them that they could call to get the vehicle towed since it was on private property.
  • A Grove Street party reported that someone had driven over his lawn and knocked over a political sign. The party stated that there were no police needed but they just wanted to report the incident.
  • A caller reported that he was on Stoney Brooke Road and a vehicle had failed to stop at a stop sign and almost hit the reporting party.
  • Officer McKeon reported a low cable wire on Ray Road after a caller had reported the low wire. Verizon was called and notified.
  • A caller reported low wires on Downey Street. Officer McKeon responded, and Verizon was notified of the situation.
  • A party ran out of gas while driving on Cedar Street. Officer Salentik assisted them.

May 2, 2023

  • A mattress was reported in the roadway on West Main Street. Officer Staback responded, and moved the mattress off of the roadway. DPW was notified.
  • A party reported that his wallet was either lost or stolen.
  • A 911 call reported a motor vehicle accident on Franklin Road. Officer Staback responded, and no personal injuries were reported.
  • A caller reported that she was being harassed online. Officer Ekross took a report.
  • A party reported that they had lost their iPad at the town meeting. The party wanted it logged for if it was found.
  • Multiple vehicles were reportedly illegally parked on Hayden Rowe Street. Officer Ekross responded and reported that there were no issues.
  • A walk-in reported unemployment fraud.
  • A walk-in reported identity fraud.
  • A motor vehicle was stuck in the middle of the road on Chestnut Street. A tow was on scene.
  • A reporting party wanted to speak with an officer about a verbal altercation that she had witnessed. Officer Ekross took a report.

May 3, 2023

  • A caller reported that her motor vehicle was broken into on South Street. Officer Ekross responded and checked for footage with businesses nearby. A report was taken.
  • A caller reported he found a wallet on South Street and turned in into business. The caller wanted the incident logged for reference.
  • A caller reported unemployment fraud. Officer Ekross spoke with the party and took a report.
  • A 911 caller reported a TT unit ran him off of the roadway on West Main Street. The caller reported that the vehicle was a green sweeper TT unit with a white and blue trailer. Officer Ekross checked the area with a negative find.
  • Officer Ekross came upon a low hanging wire on Spring Street. Verizon was notified and would be responding.
  • A manager from local company on Ash Street called wishing to have an incident logged in which the resident at this location claimed one of their trucks struck the mailbox located on the property. The manager wished to report that the footage from the truck proves that this incident did not occur. At this time no such report has been made to the PD.
  • A caller reported health insurance fraud. Officer Staback was unable to reach the party at the time but the party would be calling back.
  • A security company reported an ongoing complaint of dirt bikers on their property on South Street. Officer Ekross spoke with the party and gave them advice.
  • A caller reported someone used his credit card information for an order at a pizza place in town. Multiple officers responded and took a report.
  • A caller requested a well being check on a party walking/swaying on the side of Cedar Street. Officer LaTour checked and spoke with the party. They were just walking home from the train station. All was good.

May 4, 2023

  • A walk-in reported that his son had lost his musical instrument. The party wanted to log the incident for future reference.
  • Multiple officers responded to a report from a caller who had received a message that her front door was open on Downey Street. The officers reported that the residence was checked and secure.
  • A caller reported unemployment fraud. Officer Normandin responded and took a report.
  • A party came into the station to say that their Comcast wire was down on Spring Street. After some difficult communication with Comcast, they reported that they would be sending someone out the next day.
  • Multiple officers responded to a report about a teenage coming out of an abandoned house. The area was checked with a negative find.
  • A caller reported that someone gave fake $5 bills at the Snack Shack. Multiple officers responded and took a report.
  • A party reported a growling squirrel on Main Street. The party had attempted to poke at the squirrel but it still wouldn’t move. Animal Control was contacted.
  • A caller reported threats being made against an elementary school in Framingham.

May 5, 2023

  • A caller reported a delivery van that was operating at a high rate of speed on West Main Street. The area was checked with a negative find.
  • Multiple officers responded to a motor vehicle accident on Rocky Woods Road. No personal injuries were reported and a tow truck, eventually canceled enroute, was called for one vehicle.
  • A caller reported two cars driving on the walking path on Fruit Street instead of just parking by the pond. Multiple officers responded, and notes were left on the reported cars.
  • An erratic driver heading towards Upton was reported on West Main Street. UPD was advised.
  • A party reported that a vehicle in front of their house on Chestnut Street did not have their lights on. Officer LaTour responded and checked and spoke with the party.
  • A caller reported that while her nephew was housesitting on Queen Anne Road he had heard something and thought that someone was trying to break in so he took off. Multiple officers responded and nothing was found. All was clear.

May 6, 2023

  • A resident received an unemployment card in her mail but she did not file for unemployment. Officer Beloin took a report.
  • A party stated that there was a toolbox in the roadway on Lumber Street. Officer LaTour responded, while two other calls also reported the toolbox. The hazard was removed.
  • A caller reported that the Ash Street pavement was very uneven. Officer Normandin responded to the area and checked the area for a road hazard.
  • A party reported that someone was playing loud music on Elm Street. She thought that it was a neighboring house. Officer LaTour responded and reported that it appeared that it seemed to be a party that was ending.

May 7, 2023

  • A caller reported a disabled motor vehicle in a bad spot on West Main Street. Officer McKeon responded and reported that the vehicle was on the ramp and not in a bad spot. AAA was enroute.
  • Upton advised HPD of 4 bikes doing wheelies and operating erratically headed towards town via West Main Street. Officer McKeon responded but the vehicle was gone upon arrival.
  • A caller reported that a vehicle had hit another vehicle on West Main Street and then drove away. Officer Beloin responded and took a report.
  • A 911 caller reported a dog on their property on West Main Street. Sergeant O’Neill responded and found a black poodle which he brought to the front desk. Animal Control was contacted and would be responding.
  • A caller reported a male party who was laying on the outside steps of her property on Revolutionary Way, but the caller didn’t know if the man was responding. Multiple officers responded, and the party became responsive. The party was transported to the station and placed into protective custody.

May 8, 2023

  • A caller reported a small brown dog in her backyard on East Main Street. Animal Control was contacted and would be responding.

May 9, 2023

  • A caller reported ongoing vandalism on a porta potty on Fruit Street. Officer Ekross responded and spoke with the party. Officer Ekross advised the party that they would be doing extra checks on the area.
  • A caller reported a TT-unit having difficulty getting out of Lakepoint Way, a small residential neighborhood. Officer Grimley responded and assisted the unit, which was soon on its way.
  • A 911 caller reported a smoking vehicle that was getting off of the highway via South Street. Officer LaTour responded and checked the area with a negative find.
  • Several complaints were recorded about a dump truck that was all over the road on I-495 S. Multiple officers responded, and caught up to the vehicle. All was good.
  • An Amazon truck was reported as a hazard on Hayden Rowe Street. Officer Salentik responded and spoke with the vehicle who reported that they would be moving on.
  • A caller reported a verbal altercation with a neighbor on Blackthorne Circle. Multiple officers responded and took a report.
  • A caller reported a large pit bull in her yard on Canterbury Lane. Animal Control was notified and was responding.
  • A caller reported that she almost got scammed on Facebook. Officer Normandin spoke to the party and took a report.

May 10, 2023

  • A 911 caller reported that a tree company had done damage to her mailbox on West Main Street and were then being rude. Multiple officers responded, and it was cleared as it was a civil matter and the company had a supervisor on the way.
  • A mailman turned in a wallet found on South Street.
  • Multiple officers responded to a motor vehicle accident on Cedar Street. No personal injuries were reported.
  • A caller reported a gray Jeep that was operating erratically on Lumber Street. They had entered through an exit and had at least seven people in the vehicle. Officer Ekross spoke with the party to address concerns.
  • A report came through about fishing gear that had been at a table on Wood Street for a few days. The items were picked up and brought into the station.
  • Multiple officers responded to a motor vehicle accident on West Main Street. No personal injuries were reported.
  • Multiple offices responded to another motor vehicle accident on West Main Street. Teds was contacted to tow two vehicles.
  • A teacher called to report two students who wouldn’t leave the property. Officer LaTour responded.

May 11, 2023

  • A caller reported two suspicious males under a car on Birchwood Lane. Multiple officers responded and spoke with all parties involved. The two males were hiding for the Senior Assassin Game. All was okay.
  • Ashland reported a stolen motor vehicle out of Framingham. Multiple officers responded, and Officer Firth located the vehicle. The vehicle crashed and a foot pursuit began. The first suspect was located by Chief Bennett. K9 units were called and arrived on the scene. Officer Grimley reported that he was out with the second suspect. Teds was contacted for the vehicle. One male party was turned over to Framingham PD’s custody. One 17 Y/O male juvenile was charged and transported to juvenile court. 2 walk-ins reported that the suspect vehicle hit them. The victim information and contact numbers were taken and someone was to be in contact with them.
  • A caller reported a found puppy on West Main Street. Animal Control was contacted and would be handling the incident.
  • A caller reported an erratic vehicle operating on Franklin Road. The plate was obtained and Officer Normandin was to follow up with the operator.

May 12, 2023

  • A party reported a manhole cover in the middle of West Main Street. Officer Grimley was able to locate the cover and move it back.
  • Chief Bennett came across a road construction crew in the roadway without a detail officer. The construction crew was checked with and spoken with. They were to be on their way.
  • A walk-in reported that he had found a cell phone.
  • A caller reported that she had a sign taken from her yard on Ash Street for the upcoming election. The caller declined to have an officer respond or file a report.
  • A caller reported a store on Main Street being bombarded by youths.
  • A 911 caller reported a hit and run accident on Grove Street. Multiple officers responded and the operator believed it to be a tan sedan that had front end damage. A report was taken.
  • Multiple officers responded to a motor vehicle accident on Mayhew Street. No personal injuries were reported.
  • A found chocolate lab was found on Ash Street. A message was left for Animal Control to follow up.
  • A walk-in reported her lawn sign supporting school committee candidates kept on getting taken down and thrown in the woods on Ash Street.
  • A caller complained about kids on motorized scooters being a nuisance on Winter Street. The youths were gone upon Officer LaTour’s arrival.
  • Vehicles at a party were reported to be blocking the roadway on Edge Hill Road. Officer LaTour checked the area and there were no issues.
  • A caller reported that he and his wife went to pick their daughter up from prom and their car died on Hayden Rowe Street. They were waiting for AAA, and Officer Walker responded with a courtesy transport for his wife and daughter.
  • A 911 caller reported that he was being blackmailed online using photos. Multiple officers responded and checked and spoke with the party.

May 13, 2023

  • A caller reported vehicle parking on Park Street where there are No Parking signs. Officer McKeon responded to check the parking situation and reported that there is an event going on at the common.
  • A 911 caller reported trees down along with wires on Ash Street. Multiple offices responded and called DPW. Eversource was notified and would be responding shortly.
  • A caller reported an injured goose who appeared to be missing a foot in her lawn on Oakhurst Road. An officer spoke with Animal Control who told her to call back the next day if the goose was still there. The reporting party was advised.
  • A caller reported a group of youths riding dirt bikes in the road without helmets. Adults were stated to be walking with them. Officer Ekross responded and checked the area with a negative find.
  • A caller reported a medium size black and white dog that would sit on the edge of Wood Street and then run into traffic chasing cars. Officer Ekross responded and checked the area with a negative find.

May 14, 2023

  • Multiple officers reported a disabled motor vehicle on 2nd Road. The party was on her way home after an officer brought her a battery pack.
  • A caller reported kids and adults who were riding dirt bikes up and down Hayward Street. Sergeant McNeill responded and spoke with the party, advising them of the laws for riding a dirt bike.
  • A caller reported that her husband was bitten by a dog on Wood Street. No medical assistance was needed but the caller wanted the officer to take a report. Officer McKeon took the report.

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