HomeNewsAnnouncementsDPW Asking for Water Conservation

DPW Asking for Water Conservation

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The Water Department is asking everyone on the municipal system to please refrain from any unnecessary water use. Groundwater is continuing to decline with the lack of rain causing pumping capacity to be cut back at our well sources.

With a forecast for continued dry and above normal temperatures through the end of the month, this will continue to put a strain on the system. The low groundwater levels are also causing water to be pulled from further out in the aquifers, negatively affecting water quality causing more periodic discoloration.

We thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.

Kerry Reed, P.E.

Chesmore Funeral Home
20th Century Homes
Sunnyside Gardens

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  1. Residents – those on private wells should also pay attention to water use. The below-ground aquifers feed both municipal and private needs.


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