Peter Thomas

Adventures in Iceland

The editor explores Iceland and all its unique attractions, such as volcano hikes and geothermal lagoons.

A Dark Day for America

The editor reflects on witnessing an assassination attempt on former President Trump, drawing parallels with past attacks on presidents Reagan and Roosevelt.

Opinion: Tedstone the Logical Choice for School Committee

On July 11, a joint meeting will be held to appoint a replacement for departed School Committee member Adam Munroe. Four candidates are vying for the position: Brendan Tedstone, Kyla McSweeney, Deborah Mihaley, and Sravana Krishna. Tedstone, known for his fiscal conservatism, is recommended to bring balance to the Committee during crucial contract negotiations with the teachers union.

Town Manager Candidate Resigned over Policing Controversy

On Tuesday night, the Hopkinton Select Board will interview four finalists for Town Manager, including controversial candidate Jason Hoch. Hoch, Williamstown’s former Town Manager, resigned in 2021 following a federal lawsuit accusing him and Chief Johnson of neglecting racial harassment and sexual assault complaints within the Williamstown Police Department.

Hopkinton’s First Meeting House

The town of Hopkinton, incorporated in 1715, marks its 300th anniversary of significant activity in 2024. Initially home to Christianized Native families, the land was purchased by Harvard trustees in 1715. Town and church history are intertwined, with early meetings held in a multi-purpose meeting house built by local residents. The first pastor, Reverend Samuel Barrett, was recruited in 1725. The original meeting house was relocated multiple times and rebuilt due to various disasters, but the community's faith remained strong.

For the Celtics, it All Started in Hopkinton

The Boston Celtics are on their way to another title, but the organization's foundation was laid by Hopkinton men George V. Brown and his son Walter.

Choosing the Next Select Board Chair

Hopkinton's upcoming election will significantly impact its Select Board with the voting in of two new members followed by a restructuring to elect a new chairperson and vice-chair. While every member holds equal voting power, the chair bears more responsibilities, including agenda setting with the Town Manager and generally serving as the board's spokesperson. Current Vice Chair Shahidul Mannan seeks the chairmanship, supported largely by party loyalists. Outcomes heavily depend on election results, with different scenarios predicting either Mannan or former chair Bryan Herr could prevail, influenced by the loyalties and previous actions of the board members.

Hopkinton’s Deep State

Who gets to decide what kind of town we are? A pitched battle is underway, playing out at Select Board meetings and in our elections.

Town’s Attorney Corrects Mannan Statement on Racism

The air has been cleared. Through the town's attorney, Select Board Vice Chair Shahidul Mannan has responded to our demand letter, and the attorney confirms that in fact Mr. Mannan was mistaken; that he was referring to Facebook, not HopNews.

The Untold Story of Judy Hoyt, Champion of the Disabled

Judy Hoyt was a relentless advocate for people with disabilities. Her work inspired and transformed the lives of thousands of Americans.

Enough mansplaining Already

Muriel Kramer, often a lone voice of reason, endures condescending tendencies of her fellow board members Shahidul Mannan and Irfan Nasrullah. They monopolize discussions, restrict Kramer’s inquiries, and show disrespect for her Chair role, most recently during the chief's performance review. Despite Kramer’s fair and objective questions, her colleagues over-explain and undermine her efforts, demonstrating a lack of respect that is both condescending and disruptive to the meeting process.

Select Board roundup: Where’s the Chief?

Last night's agenda featured public support for herbicide use in Lake Maspenock, Chief of Police Joseph Bennett's postponed performance review, and the town's financial health report. The Chief's non-attendance delayed his review, while the Conservation Commission endorsed using herbicides to tackle lake weeds. Financial discussions revealed Hopkinton's solid earnings and investments. Additionally, the Select Board plans to correct a typographical error concerning the Police Chief's authority in the town charter.