HomeNewsOh Deer!

Oh Deer!

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Dispatched Animal Rots on Side of Front Street

A Front Street resident called the HopNews tip line today to express frustration with Hopkinton Police and Animal Control.

“They put this deer down a week ago. I’ve called Animal Control twice and no one will come to get it,” said the man.

On November 10, Hopkinton Police received several calls of a deer struck by a car on Aprilla Farm Road, but the deer was still alive. Officer Noah Buentello responded and dispatched the deer. The police log indicates he left a message with DPW for the animal to be picked up.

But a week later, the deer remains. “It smells rank,” said the caller. “There are flies buzzing all around it.”

In response to the resident’s concerns, HopNews contacted Hopkinton Police, who reaffirmed their commitment to clearing the roadway of any such hazards quickly. They also confirmed that DPW is responsible for cleaning up dead animals, and suspects they may not have been able to locate the animal amongst the leaves. They committed to escalating the matter immediately to take steps to resolve it.

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  1. I love complaining as much as the next guy but we do live in burbs and deer stuff happens regardless if they said it will be taken care of. The patriots smell worse then that deer I bet

  2. During my 25 years as a Hopkinton Police dispatcher, i took countless calls from town residents frustrated and angry with ACO about not returning calls. I see not a lot has changed.


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