HomeNewsLazarus Announces Main Street Transformer Delivery

Lazarus Announces Main Street Transformer Delivery

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Today, Town Manager Elaine Lazarus announced that six electrical transformers will arrive in Hopkinton this week. The transformers, which have been back ordered for nearly two years, have prevented the completion of the Main Street project.

Working with the Town’s partners at Eversource, I am pleased to announce that six transformers will be arriving in Hopkinton this week for the Main Street Corridor Project. They have been tested and are ready to be installed,” wrote Lazarus.

We look forward to the transformer’s installation, which will enable the team to bring the project to completion,” added Lazarus.

20th Century Homes
Sunnyside Gardens

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  1. But when will we rid ourselves of that stupid, useless and ugly down town bike path? Nobody has ever or will ever use it. I feel so bad for all the Main Street residents who lost frontage to the bike path debacle.

  2. The amount of money and time spent, to essentially do nothing more than restrict the flow of traffic through Hopkinton is astounding.
    how many years has it been under construction now, and its still not done? if there is a planning board there, they dont seen to understand “growth” in a community at all.

      • I was on the Planning Board when we voted to support the the plan at Town Meeting. What would be interesting in the fall when school starts is to see if the improvements projected, adjusted fr the post Covid traffic, has taken place. Are we seeing the cyvle usage? Are we seeng the walkers along Main St that were to be attracted by the improvments? etc. We never do the after the fact review to see if the money spent was actually worth it.

  3. This was one of Brian Herr’s main campaign promises. Didn’t take him long, eh? It’s nice to finally have a few people on the Select Board who can actually get things done, rather than wring their hands and make weak excuses.

  4. This project is an unmitigated disaster. A total waste of time and money that left downtown worse off both aesthetically and functionally. I wonder how much money was spent on unnecessary and useless police details alone.


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