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HomeNewsPublic SafetyHopkinton Police Incident Log for October 10, 2023

Hopkinton Police Incident Log for October 10, 2023

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A woman is confused for a man, a 911 caller battles with a leech, and a blast at the LNG plant sends the Fire Department responding.


On September 29, Gregory Peters of Hopkinton was arrested on charges of:

  • Operating motor vehicle under the influence

September 25

  • Caller reported a dog crying all night into the day. Officer Staback checked in on dog and the followed up with the homeowner’s daughter about the situation.
  • A dirt bike operating with no lights was reported. The caller claimed it was dangerous but responders were unable to locate.

September 26

  • A party came in wishing to report fraud.
  • Officers Beloin and McKeon respond to a call of a hysterical 911 caller stating there were individuals on her property that weren’t supposed to be there.
  • A report of a loose golden retriever on Wood St came in. Officer LaTour was unable to find the dog.
  • Officer Grimley answers a call reporting an erratic operator swerving in and out of her lane. There was heavy flow of traffic but the caller was unable to observe any traffic violations.

September 27

  • Officers Diaz, Saletnik, and Schofield check on a vehicle with their alarm going off. They contacted the key holder and they respond to turn the alarm off.
  • A car versus tree collision occurred on Pond St. The driver experienced some head pain. A wrecker was called to the scene.
  • Two calls come in reporting a loose dog with brown, curly hair on Main St. Officers were unable to locate.
  • A caller reported an Amazon driver hit their garage on McNeil Cir.
  • The CVS store manager called concerned an elderly man was being scammed.
  • A woman called stating her 5-year old daughter got out of the car and was missing. The woman called back before police we dispatched to say her daughter was found.
  • Reports came in concerning two cars driving on the wrong side of the road into oncoming traffic.
  • Caller reports a stolen trumpet.

September 28

  • A caller stood by for a rabbit that appeared to be hit by a car and was still alive. The rabbit was moved to the woods in the end.
  • Caller reported a road rage incident to a traffic constable. The constable then told him he’d have an officer meet him at Cumberland Farms.
  • A man reports a van parked on his property for a couple days and was concerned for the parties inside and wants them to go somewhere else to park. Officer McNeil spoke with the van owner who states his wife works and they are currently homeless.
  • Caller reports they received threatening texts and calls from a customer who lives in town.
  • A report of a suspicious man came in while he was on the side of the road. He was reported to be wearing navy blue sweats and his behavior seemed abnormal. Officers checked on the Milford town line but did not find him.

September 29

  • Officer Santoro makes sure a student gets home safely after refusing to go back to school.
  • A caller is advised to contact the post office when he reports he keeps getting mail meant for someone else.
  • A landlord asked about removing an old tenant’s property and was suggested he speaks with court.
  • Caller reports 5 teenagers went into their basement and their son asked the kids to leave. The teenagers left in a white Toyota and the police were given another address to follow up with them.

September 30

  • A car versus pole accident occurred on East Main St. The accident was called into 911 by the operator of the vehicle and an uninvolved individual. The operator said he was uninjured but had a scrape on his wrist. A tow truck responded to the scene.
  • A woman found a black Smith and Wesson S.W.A.T knife in the cemetery on Mt. Auburn St while she was walking.
  • Walk-in requests to speak with an officer about a case of identity theft.

October 1

  • Officer Ekross responded to calls of a construction crew working despite by laws stating no construction on Sundays. The crew shut down for the day.
  • Officers Buentello, Ekross, and Staback respond to reports of a vehicle that ran 2 red lights and was driving erratically. They were unable to find the vehicle.
  • Caller reports a vehicle swerving all over the road. With all Hopkinton units unable to respond, Southborough PD stepped in, but was unable to find the vehicle.
  • A man reported to 911 that a leech was stuck on his body.

October 2

  • A walk-in reported suspicious mail.
  • Walk-in reported bank fraud.
  • Officers McKeon and McNeil responded to a report of an unwanted person.

October 3

  • A woman reports a man walking around her property on her door cam. Footage shows a heavyset woman, age 45-55, with blonde hair. Officer McKeon checked the area.
  • A caller reports someone tried to take out a home loan in their name.

October 4

  • A woman reported a white bicycle left on her lawn for the night before. She asked if anyone had reported a missing bicycle and asked what she should do with it. She was advised to do whatever she’d like because it was on her property and she said she’ll store it in the garage for a few days.
  • A caller reported illegal dumping on his property. Someone had dumped nine tires.
  • A man called reporting two vehicles that parked in his driveway for 15 minutes before he went out and asked if they needed something. When he went to contact the operators, they both drove away. This was not the first time they had been in his driveway, but it was the first time he had tried to speak with them. The homeowner never managed to get plates but just asked the incident be logged. One vehicle was a blue Toyota Corolla and the other was a Lexus SUV.

October 5

  • The security team at Eversource called 911 regarding a loud blast and power loss at the LNG plant on Wilson Street. Abnormal venting was occurring. The fire department was dispatched.
  • Walk-in reported they found a license and a journal.
  • Officers Buentello and Staback assist a dog found loose and intended to bring it back to Baypath. There were no staff at the time but they will check on the dog.
  • A girl reports her ex-boyfriend won’t stop calling her.
  • Report of a green sports car speeding loudly came in. Officer Normandin reached out to those involved.

October 6

  • Walk-in drops off a wallet he found.
  • School staff reports seeing a suspicious character wearing face paint attempting to pull cars over. Officers were unable to find the individual.
  • Two car accident occurred on West Main St. No injuries were suffered.
  • A caller reported a dirt bike operating on the road, which they thought was dangerous. Unable to find the operator.
  • Caller reported a hit and run between a large truck with a trailer and a pole. Witnesses said the pole was no longer structurally sound.

October 7

  • Resident reports a Jack Russell Terrier came up to her house on Valentine Rd. Animal control said they would contact the woman.
  • Caller reported a turkey and a few chickens running in the road.
  • A woman reports a dog was hit on West Main St. It looked like a fox, but had a collar like a dog. She attempted to help it, but it ran off behind the pumping station. A potential owner was notified about the dog.
  • A pit bull was running around Bill’s Pizza. The grandpa was walking it and it pulled away. The dog was caught and returned to the owner.
  • Caller reported some kids shooting a gun at the Reed Park. Officers talked to them and the kids will clean up the targets before leaving.

October 8

  • A woman called reporting she could not find her daughter. She put her to bed at 9:00 PM, but then she wasn’t in her room. While on the phone, the woman found her outside. Everything was okay.
  • 911 call reported an erratic operator on Cedar St. The driver was stopped on Hayden Rowe and was advised of the complaint.

October 9

  • Caller reported smoke coming from the oven. The house was evacuated and the fire department responded.
  • Officers Beloin and McKeon respond to a report of two women coming out of an abandoned house.
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