On Wednesday, February 1, the Harlem Wizards will face off against Hopkinton teachers at the High School gym. Doors open at 6:00 and the game begins at 7:00. Advance tickets are required.
From the website: “Basketball aficionados will be treated to great skills, teamwork, slick dribbling, alley-oops and crazy slams. The non-hoop fans attending will find out that this is much more than just a basketball game. The night is funny, theatrical, exciting and spectacular and the gym will reverberate with oohs & aahs, laughter, enthusiasm, and much much more.”
The Wizards always put on a good show and get the crowd and kids involved. Below is a video from the 2016 Wizards vs. Teachers game where one Hopkinton student was recruited from the stands to join the game.