HomeOpinionCaitlin Condon: Clark "Bleeds Green"

Caitlin Condon: Clark “Bleeds Green”

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I write to ask you to join me in voting for Joe Clark for Select Board on May 20th. 

I have known Joe since we were children growing up in Hopkinton. It is his immense pride in and love for Hopkinton that led him to return here after college to raise his children and now to run for Select Board.

Joe is unenrolled, he is not beholden to anyone. Joe is 100% Hopkinton, he bleeds green! Joe recognizes that we cannot cling blindly to a single issue or look at each new challenge that faces the Town in a vacuum, he supports the entirety of Hopkinton.

Joe will be the first to tell you that the Town’s citizens need leaders they can trust to address our many challenges. He understands that the Select Board should not micromanage each department, but rather the Board must work with our department heads, each with their own expertise and experience, to successfully tackle the many projects the Town is currently facing or about to embark upon.

While this is the first time Joe has run for elected office, Joe has known many of the people and employees of this Town his entire life. He is knowledgeable and informed and will be able to carry out the critical plans that this Town must achieve. Joe will bring a unique perspective to the Board, Joe represents the future.

As a lifelong Hopkinton resident and a mother of three young children, I wholeheartedly endorse Joe Clark, and ask you to join me in voting for Joe on Monday, May 20th.


Caitlin Condon, Hopkinton, MA

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