HomeNewsAdam Munroe Resigns School Committee

Adam Munroe Resigns School Committee

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20th Century Homes

On Sunday, June 9, a concerned citizen who wished to remain anonymous, attempted to reach Adam Munroe, the School Committee member whose repeated absences from meetings has raised concern within the community. 

Reportedly, there were two cars in the driveway and lights on in the house but no answer at the door. A large dog could be heard barking inside. 

Worried, the citizen contacted Hopkinton Police and requested a well check for Mr. Munroe and his wife, Heather. A few minutes later a pair of officers rolled up and prepared to approach the house. 

At that moment, Mr. Munroe emerged from his home and explained to the officers that he was indeed well, but that he had been battling a health issue. 

“I have resigned the committee,” he reportedly stated. “It’s unfortunate, but my health has to come first.”

Adam Munroe is a candidate for School Committee in Hopkinton, MA
Adam Munroe

Mr. Munroe’s unavailability drew an extraordinary public comment from committee chair Nancy Richards-Cavanaugh at the School Committee meeting on Thursday, June 6. 

“I have not heard from Mr. Munroe since our April 25 meeting, so that is concerning. I was concerned about his well-being first,” she said. “He has missed about 47% of the meetings, which is a lot.”

“Is there precedent for someone that has missed this many meetings?,” asked member Chris Masters. 

“There is not,” replied Cavanaugh. “I’ve never seen it on any town elected committee.”

“I have sent him repeated texts, which I can see he’s read…as well as emails, and I was able to work with the district to see that he has in fact opened,” said Cavanaugh. 

>> RELATED: Munroe Absent from School Committee Meetings, Delays Votes

Section 6-3 of the Hopkinton Town Charter describes what can happen in the case of “excessive absence”, and empowers a majority of a board or committee to declare the office vacant in a case where a member missed four or more consecutive, or 50% of the meetings. However, this provision only applies to appointed committee members, not elected officials. Because Mr. Munroe was elected in 2023, section 5-2 of the charter applies, which requires a successful recall petition for removal. 

Munroe was elected in May 2023, along with Susan Stephenson. Both were the Democratic Town Committee’s caucus nominees, and both drew a broad cross-section of endorsements from notable office holders in town, including Select Board members Muriel Kramer and Mary Jo Lafreniere.

Following the School Committee meeting on June 6, Cavanaugh sent a scathing letter to Munroe, urging him to resign. HopNews obtained the correspondence through a records request.

Having 5 members promotes better representation of our community, facilitates better division of labor on a Committee that requires a great deal of time and energy even between meetings, and prevents a stalemate over any issues by having an odd number of members. Your absence has been felt deeply by both the Committee and the community,” wrote Cavanaugh.

On Sunday, June 9, Mr. Munroe’s letter of resignation was received by chair Cavanaugh. In the letter, Munroe incorrectly addresses Carol Cavanaugh, Superintendent of Schools, as Chair.

This decision has not been an easy one for me, as I have greatly valued my time serving on the committee and working alongside such dedicated and passionate individuals. However, due to personal health reasons that require my immediate and full attention, I must prioritize my well- being at this time,” wrote Munroe.

With a vacancy on the committee, the town will now post a notice requesting applications from residents wishing to serve the remaining two years of Mr. Munroe’s term. A joint meeting of the School Committee and Select Board will be called within one week of notice, and by majority vote they will appoint a successor to the role.

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Chesmore Funeral Home

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  1. Further evidence that he was just a body for HDTC placement on the school committee rather than a candidate possessing ambition and dedication to the role. Obviously, I wish him well, but he should have resigned months ago. It would have caused him less stress and controversy.

  2. There were significant concerns about Mr. Monroe’s dedication to his role on the School Committee during the last election. He missed his very first meeting after being elected and was also pursuing another elected position in town. The HDTC promoted their candidates and discredited a lifelong Hopkinton resident who had been a dedicated volunteer in the schools.

    I wish Mr. Monroe well and hope his health issues are resolved quickly. However, his attendance has been inconsistent from the start.

    Well done, HDTC: one candidate who fails to show up and another who had only lived here for six months with no history in our town or schools.

  3. Absolutely agree that Ashley Fogg be given that position. A position she was cheated out of. At the same time can we rid ourselves of Stephenson, a pawn backed by the crooked HDTC. I wish Mr Munroe the best and send thoughts and prayers to him and his family on a speedy recovery.

  4. Let’s not be too harsh on the HDTC. Without their never ending buffoonery the podcast I co-host wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining. 😂😂

    See you on The Pod

  5. As opposed to making harsh comments on persons or ‘parties ‘, how about recognizing the opportunity to either appoint or elect the best candidate for the school committee. The committee needs full participating membership to address the complicated task of educating our students. Without knowing any details about Mr. Monroe, I wish him well. I trust that ALL of citizens serving our town have noble intentions. It’s way too easy to sit on the sidelines and bash those that volunteer to serve!

  6. I agree that Ashley Fogg, an independent, highly competent and highly committed individual should be given the vacant school committee seat.


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