HomeNewsHopkinton Police Incident Log for August 30, 2024

Hopkinton Police Incident Log for August 30, 2024

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August 19

  • A 911 caller on Woodview Way reported that his fire alarms were sounding. He said he believed it was just his unit.
  • Officer Beloin investigated a past accident that happened on Legacy Farms N.
  • A woman called to report a man claiming to be with a solar company came to her house and forced his way in. The man and company weren’t registered with the town as solicitors.

August 20

  • Officers Staback and Schofield responded to a report of a suspicious vehicle on Cedar St. The party appeared to be okay; he was just hanging out at his neighbor’s house.
  • Walk-in reported vandalism to his bike. Damage was done to the wheel.
  • Multiple 911 calls reported an erratic operator that stuck two cars and a pole on Wood St.
  • A caller reported a man had been harassing his work crew and was making inappropriate comments to the female staff.
  • Officer Diaz responded to an accident on West Main St. There were no injuries.
  • The caller requested an officer check out where her neighbor’s vehicle was parked on Hayden Rowe because she didn’t know if it was illegal. Upon further investigation, the vehicle was found to be illegally parked.

August 21

  • Officer LaTour checked on a fire alarm activation on Saddle Hill Rd. The dust from the workers on the scene appeared to have set it off.
  • Officer Beloin stood by a vehicle while the operator got a tow because the brakes were not working correctly. The vehicle was stuck next to a guard rail, and there was minor damage to the car and the rail.
  • The caller reported her Apple ID was possibly changed and wanted it logged.
  • The walk-in requested to speak with an officer about someone trying to use his name to get bank information and money.
  • A woman wished to report a suspicious man smoking outside a business who she believed had taken a picture of her as she walked by. She thought she saw a flash, but when she confronted the man, he showed her his phone and didn’t have a picture. She wanted the incident logged from now on.

August 22

  • Officer Schofield checked on an unoccupied vehicle by Legacy Farms N. When he checked by the water, he found two parties. They said they’d be moving along.
  • A man called to report a raccoon in his trash bin that he had been trying to escape but wouldn’t leave. He asked if Animal Control could do something but was informed that they usually do nothing about raccoons in the trash.
  • A caller reported receiving a scam call requesting medicare information she does not have.
  • During a previous call, the fire chief found a debit card at Lake Whitehall and turned it into an officer.

August 23

  • A tow was requested at a minor accident that occurred on East Main St.
  • 911 call reported a dispute between neighbors on Pleasant St., and police better get there quickly. Peace was restored.
  • A caller reported a traffic complaint on Main St.
  • The water department responded to an area where the water came out brown.
  • Ashland PD warned of an erratic driver headed Hopkinton’s way.

August 24

  • The walk-in requested info on a vehicle on his property that he is trying to get removed.
  • Milford PD was advised of a white Camaro that was headed their way after doing doughnuts in a new development in town.
  • Officer Ziniti checked on a report of dogs on West Main St. barking all day. He did not hear the barking upon arrival, as the dogs must have been brought inside.
  • The 911 caller reported that two men vigorously banged on his door and then took off. Officer Diaz and Quinzani spoke with two kids playing manhunt and advised them to go inside for the rest of the evening.
  • A caller reported kids on the road and urinating on the lawns.

August 25

  • The dog walker reported that vehicles parked on Cedar St. waiting to enter the park were blocking the roadway.
  • Officer Buentello responded to a call from a vehicle with heavy damage but was unable to find it.
  • Holliston PD was informed of a vehicle involved in a road rage incident that occurred in their town.
  • The caller reported a cat was hit on East Main St. by Westin Nurseries. Animal control was informed.
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