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Since 2003, Hopkinton News

P.O. Box 351, Hopkinton, MA 01748


The most recent Political Letter is on top, and then previous ones in order after it.
The time and date of the most recent changes on this page are February 27, 2018 08:38:34 AM

Library Neighbors Speak Against Current Plan


Let’s reconsider this library plan and DO IT RIGHT.


We support a library expansion and renovation, but want it done right.  If Hopkinton really needs a library as big as proposed, it needs to be on a larger site to accommodate the building and parking.  If the priority is the existing site in the Historic District, then the project needs to be scaled down to fit the lot and be proportionate to the original library buildings and historic district, and that can’t happen with this plan.


·         The Center School property was the preferred site, & could possibly be an option in the future.

·         This plan is too big for the space! The current design is 4-1/2 times the size of the existing building on a ½ acre lot located in the Historic District, overwhelming the buildings and area.

·         The zoning was changed from Residential to Downtown Business to allow for increased lot coverage and reduced setbacks, enabling this project to forever change the look and feel of this Historic District neighborhood.

·         An easement was requested from an abutter to create a proper buffer.

·         The Historic District Commission is responsible for preserving our small Historic District. They voted unanimously against the proposed expansion stating it was inappropriate for the site in terms of lot coverage, setbacks, character, size and scale.

·         There’s not enough parking for the library or other downtown businesses. The proposed library plan only provides 21 of the 63 parking spaces required, and the agreement for additional parking behind Bill’s has fallen through.

·         Hopkinton rejected a proposal for a new elementary school a few years ago because the plan was not right, and the school project is back on track.  We can do the same thing with the library.


So, we urge you to vote NO on Question 2 regarding this library plan, and give Hopkinton the option to DO IT RIGHT. 


Sue & Jeff Hadley

4 Hayden Rowe Street

May 17, 2014


Neighbors Oppose "Flawed Library Expansion"

To the Editor:

Because we treasure our public library and the unique character of Hopkinton, we strongly oppose the Library Building Expansion Project and urge a NO vote on Monday, June 19th.The Hopkinton Library Expansion Project is too big, too flawed, and is not going to benefit the downtown of Hopkinton. Lets slow down and do a library renovation that Hopkinton can be proud of.

The big-box library project will ruin the historic character of the downtown area. With the added parking both on site as well as across Main St. and possible one way streets, the whole neighborhood will become congested. We still have not felt the full traffic impact of Legacy Farms. It is already difficult to drive through the downtown and, with added cars and pedestrians trying to cross Main St, it will become crowded as well as dangerous.

The mammoth proposed library expansion is physically too big to fit in the space available, overwhelm the scale of the existing library structures and will ruin nearby businesses and residential areas, altering forever the distinct character of Hopkinton. The library plan does not provide adequate answers to questions of increased traffic, possible one-way streets, adequate parking. Many other towns have come to regret hasty decisions made which have caused the irretrievable loss of their downtowns.

Every inch of space has been used in order to fit this proposed building onto a too-small lot. The experience of reading peacefully under our library's cathedral ceilings and stained glass windows will be destroyed and replaced with a 12 ft. ceiling in a charmless, generic function space. The character of the old St Paul's church (now the reading room) will be destroyed to accommodate another level of conference rooms immediately above the proposed 110 person meeting room. It seems as though more thought and space is being given to the cafe and community center rather than to the library.

The allure of a state grant that is conditional exclusively on size -- meaning that the building must be large in size, regardless of the building site, in order to qualify for the grant -- is a dangerous trap for Hopkinton to fall into. It is a false economy to apply for a large grant for a project that will cost us, in the long run, so dearly. This kind of thinking is not forward-thinking, but rather the kind of mistakes towns made at the end of the last, 20th century. Let's do 21st century planning.

We love our Hopkinton Library. Our children used it weekly throughout the years. We support its reasonable renovation and modernization to keep our Hopkinton library relevant to the needs of Hopkinton residents and their children in the decades to come. Let's slow down the rush to push this project through, and revise the program to fit into the building's lot, our downtown, and our library needs for our new century.

A renovation within reason is appropriate. This flawed plan is not.

Please vote no on May 19th.

Katie and Mike Roughan
6 Hayden Rowe Street

May 18, 2014

May 16, 2014-Letters below

Support for Frank Sivo and Kelly Knight



Hopkinton residents will be asked to go to the polls on Monday, May 19th to cast their votes for our elected officials and vote on 2 ballot questions (related to the underride and the library). A copy of the full ballot can be found at 

https://drive.google.com/a/hillers.org/folderview?id=0B_Dg3BMNzeU4Y0pwSmRrSThuTVU&usp=sharing# (click on Specimen Ballot).


Of particular interest to many people is the contested race for School Committee. Over the past several years there have been many outstanding professional and student achievements to celebrate in our schools.  We now have a Superintendent who has been working hard for our District, engaging our students, staff, and community.  I am encouraged by this significant positive step for our schools.  We have some ground to make up, however.  During the time of high administrator turnover in our district, we began to see our schools performance and rankings decline.  While I am optimistic after some of our more recent progress, we need to elect professionals who will continue to establish a culture that allows for the School Committee to engage in a mature dialogue about issues that are important to our taxpayers.


On the horizon for the Town are many important opportunities, including how to move forward to address the options around a Center School solution, and how to productively move us through the strategic planning process. Our school committee will need to be engaged fully with the community and be challenging the ‘group think’ that can be present at times. As voters we have an opportunity to decide what type of leadership and skills we would like to see on this very important committee. This year, we are fortunate to have two candidates who clearly differentiate themselves as being an asset to our schools and our Town.   Both candidates have experience in our Town as active volunteers and understand what is important to our community at this time; they also understand the complexities that face our community and are well prepared to listen and collaborate with others to arrive at the best outcomes for the Town and our students. Those candidates are Frank Sivo and Kelly Knight.


I had the opportunity to work with Frank on the Elementary School Criteria Working Group and was impressed and thankful for his participation on this committee. Frank is rational in his thinking and respectful in his delivery.  He is an independent thinker, asks thoughtful questions that need to be asked, and is concerned with ensuring excellence in our schools. Frank is the type of thinker and leader that our town and our schools need at this important juncture. Frank’s strong business acumen and desire to act responsibly on behalf of the Town and our schools make him an outstanding candidate that Hopkinton is fortunate to have. Frank’s involvement in the Appropriations Committee has given him a keen insight to how our town’s budgeting works and he will bring a critical eye and sharp mind to the school’s budget. Frank will improve our current School Committee by holding our administration accountable in their thinking and in their processes. I believe his presence on the School Committee will make our town a better place for our students and our taxpayers.


I have watched Kelly navigate and discuss the issues of our schools for years. Kelly is pragmatic and dedicated. She is interested in a more open dialogue between the School Committee and the community. Kelly has the ability to evaluate an issue from all angles and carefully weigh a thoughtful and fair outcome. Kelly’s work on Hopkinton’s Zoning Board of Appeals for the last 4 years has provided her with a unique opportunity to learn more about our town and residents and apply her critical thinking and problem solving skills in a practical and fair manner. I think Kelly would be a welcome addition to the school committee and would bring a fresh perspective that is much needed.


Hopkinton needs candidates on our school committee who will foster an environment of accountability and collaboration, and who bring real experience to this administration.  I hope you will join me in casting votes for Frank Sivo and Kelly Knight on Monday, May 19th at the Middle School between 7:00 am – 8:00 pm.  To learn more about each candidate please visit:  http://www.sivoforsc.org/intro.  and http://www.kelly4hopschools.com/news.html

Kim Brennan

151 Spring Street

May 16, 2014

   Support for Kelly Knight

   Dear Editor:


It is important to fill every seat on the School Committee with people who bring value to the team with a strong desire to serve our schools and community. There are three candidates running for the two open seats on our School Committee and we are thrilled that Kelly Knight is one of them. Kelly is extremely intelligent, with a keen sense of financial responsibility and a strong will to serve. She’s honest, objective, and keeps an open mind to all sides of a discussion. When dealing with divisive issues her interpersonal skills and leadership ability will set the tone for collaborative and respectful discourse, creating a place for quick resolution. 


The School Committee needs leaders to provide the following:

·        Honest and open discussions about the district’s past, present and future

·        Frank discussions about the school and community's priorities and how to balance the two

·        Critical thinking around spending decisions, the resulting trade-offs, and the potential future impact of those decisions to our community, our schools and our children


As always, we are compelled to support independent thinkers who think outside the box, are not afraid to raise the difficult question, and support the concept of accountability.  


Kelly is the leader we need to continue Hopkinton’s quest for excellence in our schools and she has our support.  Please join us in voting for Kelly Knight on Monday, May 19.



Todd Cestari & Ann Brady

19 Elizabeth Road

May 16, 2014

May 15, 2014-Letters below

Support for Lori Nickerson

Dear Editor:


I am writing in support of Lori Nickerson for School Committee.  As a mother and an attorney working for a public company, Lori has the knowledge and experience to lead the community in making solid decisions.


Lori will base her decision making on both the value of the program to the students and the cost of the program to the taxpayers.  Lori has no hidden agendas.  She has a passion for education and her main priority will be to make decisions with a responsible cost effective approach.


I have had the pleasure of getting to know Lori over the past year and she is a team player with a never-ending commitment to the Hopkinton community.


For these reasons, I support Lori Nickerson for School Committee.


Sherri Alicandro

59 South Mill Street

May 15, 2014

Support for Frank Sivo


The School Committee is one of the most important committees in town government. They spend the largest portion of our budget and the set policy for the education for our  precious children.  The performance of our school system greatly influences our property values.  It is critical that we pick experienced and knowledgeable persons  to  set  priorities and policy  for  our  schools.


 Rarely do  we  have a  candidate that  has  the  qualifications and  experience that  Frank Sivo  has  for  this  position.  He  is 20 year  resident  of  Hopkinton with  a  history of  public  service and has actively worked  to make  our  schools  better.


1.Frank Sivo  knows  the details of  the  school  budget  and  the  town budget process as  he  currently is a member of the Appropriations Committee and the  liaison from that  committee  to the School Committee.


2. Frank Sivo was a member of the Criteria Working Group for Center School .  This  committee developed the  criteria and he  fully understands the criteria to  be  used  in  evaluating  the decisions to  be  made  on the  solution to the  shortfalls of Center School facilities. This will be  a major  capital project to be  considered by the  town  in the  upcoming  year.


3. Frank Sivo was a former board member  of the  special education advisory group SPEAC. How  we  provide for the needs of these  students has  major impacts the budget and  our  school ranking.


4. Professionally Frank Sivo is a Vice  President at a  large bio pharma services  company and  has  experience in operations and strategic management.  With an engineer and management education,  he analyses data to come  to  decisions and practices continuous improvement.  Frank Sivo understands the importance of setting  strategic goals, developing  plans and  programs  to  implement the goals, measure progress against the  goals, reset the  plans and  programs if  we  are  not  achieving our  goals.


If  you are  not  convinced that  Frank  Sivo is  the  most knowledgeable  school  committee candidate, go  to  his  website http://www.sivoforsc.org and see his  positions on the criteria issues  facing  our  school system. 


His campaign theme…. Great Schools, Managed Well …describes what I want from our schools.  I hope you join me in voting for Frank Sivo for School Committee on Monday,  May 19th.


Ken Weismantel

145 Ash  Street

May 15, 2014

Support for Kelly Knight

To The Editor,


As a resident of Hopkinton for over 19 years, with 4 children, I have witnessed tremendous change and growth to the Hopkinton School System. During my families' tenure here we experienced the growth of Hopkinton from a small, sleepy little rural community, to a bustling suburban town. My children have benefited tremendously; the addition of Hopkins school, the New High School, and the expansion of new programs and classes have helped insure that our children's future and education ,literally  " all starts here!". With growth and change, difficult decisions are required , all of which need to be well thought out, and planned for success.


Hopkinton will continue to grow and change. For continued success, our school committee will need to manage and plan for growth. I believe Kelly Knight will serve our school system well in managing and planning the tough decisions moving forward. Kelly is a professional program manager. She understands the successful execution of programs requires gathering facts, listening to all viewpoints and developing a plan which includes time-lines, efficient budgets and optimal use of people and resources. She understands effective leadership requires transparency in all communications and decisions. And all projects require dedication, hard work and passion to insure success. Much is changing in Hopkinton, but let us insure that the change is for the better, and is well thought out, planned and managed. Please join me in support of Kelly Knight for School Committee. A new voice for transparency, planning and management of our town's great school system.


Dana Hall

62 Teresa Road

May 15, 2014

From Candidate Frank Sivo


Great Schools ─ Managed Well.  That is my mantra.  As a new member of the School Committee, I will advocate for continuous performance improvement of our school system in a fiscally responsible way.


My core objectives are:

·        Great Schools:  Drive breakthrough improvement in educational results guided by the priorities set forth in the Strategic Plan.  We all want great schools.  In my experience, a good strategic plan will tell us where we are going, how we will get there, and if we are on track.  Our expectations need to be high, our goals need to be ambitious, and our assessments of performance need to be thorough and candid.

·        Managed Well:  Proactively Manage Budget, Personnel, and Community Relations:  We need to construct budgets that reflect priorities that will be supported by the town. We must be very judicious in our hiring decisions, and we must be transparent in our communications with the community.


As a 20-year resident of Hopkinton with 4 children in the public school system, I have strong roots in the community.  I understand the pride that the community has in our schools, and, at the same time, I appreciate the community’s desire to limit property tax increases.


My service as a member of Appropriation Committee has given me a deep understanding of our town and school finances.  I will couple this knowledge with 25 years of management experience in the private sector to get great value for our tax dollars. 


I bring a fresh perspective and an open mind.  I am connected neither to preferred solutions nor to special interests.  I will relentlessly seek approaches that maximize educational outcomes with every tax dollar spent. 

With respect, I request your vote for School Committee in the election on Monday, May 19st.

Please visit www.sivoforsc.org for additional information.


From Candidate Lori Nickerson


VALUE – This word best describes my candidacy and how I view the role of a School Committee member.


All of my life experiences have shaped me to be a VALUE-driven individual who volunteers her time and expertise to help others.


I VALUE all of the successes my education provided me and I will ensure that strategic educational opportunities are accessible to all Hopkinton students.


My professional experience as a corporate attorney, with extensive skills in budget analysis, creative problem-solving, policy implementation and transparent communication, will bring VALUE to the School Committee and the School Administration.


I VALUE listening to the citizens of Hopkinton and identifying the impact of School Committee decisions on each of those citizens.


I will require each strategic initiative and related budget spend to clearly demonstrate VALUE for both students and taxpayers.


Do not underestimate the VALUE of your vote to the future of our schools and the future of our town – it’s immeasurable.


Thank you for your time and consideration in getting to know me during this campaign.  I respectfully request your vote for School Committee on Monday, May 19.


Lori Nickerson

30 Glen Road


Support for Library Expansion

Dear Editor:

We are writing in support of the Hopkinton Library Expansion.



Although we admire the Hopkinton Library building for its historic and architectural significance, we feel that it is not meeting the needs of town residents today. Last renovated almost fifty years ago, it now lacks adequate space for contemporary use; lack of handicap and stroller access also limit the library's resources that are available. 

The town needs a library that not only offers access to all its residents and visitors, but also provides space for current technology and up-to-date collections. We need a library facility that can reinforce its focus as the center of the community and be utilized to its fullest potential. 

As leaders in Hopkinton Girl Scouts, we teach girls how to explore, learn, educate others, and become involved in their community. Our goals coincide with what an expanded Town Library would offer not only our children, but all Hopkinton residents. 

We will be voting YES on May 19th at town meeting to approve the expansion of the library and hope you will join us.


Hopkinton Girl Scout Service Unit Team

Carrie Howard, 15 Greystone Lane

Carolyn Johnson, 6 Tiffany Trail
Stacy Spies, 16 Alexander Road
Amanda Sward, 15 Connelly Hill Road

May 14, 2014-Letters below

Support for Lori Nickerson



It is with the utmost confidence that we recommend Lori Nickerson for the position of School Committee member. Having known Lori for over 15 years, we believe that she possesses the traits and skills needed to serve our community well in this capacity.  Lori is intelligent, straight-forward, and dedicated to making well-informed, thoughtful decisions that will have a positive impact on our school system--all while remaining fiscally responsible.  Lori is sincere in her desire to serve the residents of this town, and to work collaboratively to ensure that Hopkinton continues to improve upon its high quality of education for all students from Pre-K through 12th grade.

As her longtime friends, we also want voters to know that Lori is a wonderful person, a loving friend, an amazing mother, and a woman our daughter and other young girls in Hopkinton would be fortunate to look up to as a role model.  Lori’s desire to give back to those around her has been evident since we met her more than 15 years ago, and it is stronger today than ever before.  She will be a listening ear to all who wish to voice their thoughts as they relate to school matters.

Lori’s strong communication skills, which she has honed not only in her personal life but also in her professional life as a corporate attorney, will serve her well as a collaborator on the School Committee team, and will ensure that all future School Committee decisions are made in a way that is transparent to all of Hopkinton.  She will bring a fresh perspective and innovative ideas that will bring balance and objectivity to the School Committee.

It is with great pride and a sense of honor that we support our friend Lori Nickerson for a seat on the School Committee and ask you to do the same on May 19th.



Amy & Jon Schwartz

9 Appaloosa Circle

May 14, 2014

Support for Lori Nickerson

Dear Editor:
A vote for Lori Nickerson for Hopkinton School Committee  is a vote for excellence.


Before I decide to support a candidate for local office, I do my homework. In this case, I watched Candidate’s Night, visited Lori’s website, read her campaign materials and arranged to speak directly with Lori on several occasions. These encounters have convinced me to vote for Lori for Hopkinton School Committee on Monday, May 19.


 I am impressed with Lori’s understanding of the role and responsibilities of this position. She knows how the School Department and School Committee members should fit into the fabric of town government. To gain this information, Lori spent many hours meeting with town officials to learn what they do and how they do it. To me, reaching out this way is a first and important step in building bridges with colleagues town-wide. 


Lori values the importance of communication within the school system and within the town. Her personal and professional skills make her an effective communicator, a good listener and a person who will ask questions and carefully weigh information before she makes decisions.  In her role as School Committee member, these skills will serve Lori and us well.


To learn more about Lori, I encourage you to visit her website.


Please join me on Monday, May 19, and vote for Lori Nickerson for Hopkinton School Committee


Marie Eldridge
10 Alexander Road

May 14, 2014

Support for Frank Sivo


For many years, Hopkinton’s leadership has worked towards a “One Town” approach with respect to growth, capital projects, and budget. As our town continues to grow at an unprecedented speed, this goal becomes more and more critical. School Committee candidate, Frank Sivo, understands this goal first hand. As a member of the Appropriations Committee, he has worked a great deal with the School Committee and has a clear sense of the “One Town” concept. In my view, Frank is the candidate who will bridge any gaps between “Town” and “School” uniting us together as one.
I wholeheartedly endorse Frank Sivo for the school committee position and hope that you will as well.”

Michelle Gates

22 West Main  Street

May 14, 2014

Support for Frank Sivo



As some know, I’ve spent over 30 years providing education and training in technical fields, to both adults, world wide; and to children, locally.  As was written to me some years ago, “It is rare to find a technical person who has excellent [communication] skills.”  Frank Sivo is such a person, bringing an understanding of the technical skills needed by our students, and the communication skills required to persuade both the Community and our school administrators of the critical need to include STEM skills in Hopkinton’s education program.


Ensuring all our students have many opportunities to explore all the facets of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics included in the ‘classical’ STEM curriculum, and also the hands-on skills so important in developing technological and engineering knowledge, we need a person with technological knowledge on our School Committee.


I ask you to join me in supporting Frank for School Committee




Edwin E Harrow

8 Spring Lane

May 14, 2014

Support for Frank Sivo

It is my pleasure to support Frank Sivo for School Committee. Over the past year Frank has been a valuable member of the Appropriations Committee. As a member, he has spent many hours working with various town departments, reviewing their budgets, asking questions, and making recommendations. He identified efficiency improvements that could eventually lead to savings for Hopkinton.  
Also, Frank was the Appropriations Committee liaison to the School Committee. In this capacity, Frank attended weekly meetings to review the proposed school budget.  His vision of “Great Schools – Managed Well” is a view that would benefit the schools and the town. He believes that through continuous improvement Hopkinton can effectively enhance and improve our school system in a fiscally responsible manner.
In closing, I believe Frank is the best candidate to meet the educational and financial challenges that lie ahead for Hopkinton. Please vote for Frank Sivo for School Committee on Monday, May 19.
Mike Manning, Chairman of Appropriations Committee
32 Briarcliff Drive
Hopkinton, MA
May 14, 2014

May 13, 2014-Letters below

  Support for Lori Nickerson

Lori Nickerson is my choice for School Committee on May 19. To be an effective School Committee member you need to have a passionate commitment to serve the town of Hopkinton, a curiosity to learn all sides of an issue, and critical thinking skills that help you make smart decisions. Lori displays all of these qualities on a regular basis.

Lori’s extensive professional experience as a corporate attorney has trained her to deal with multi-million dollar budgets, strategic initiatives and competing priorities. To be successful in this type of environment requires a high level of analytical skill and sound decision making. I am confident Lori will expertly apply those professional skills to the role of School Committee member, and to the benefit of the citizens of Hopkinton.

What I most admire Lori for her is her selfless volunteer work and eagerness to contribute to the community of Hopkinton. She currently volunteers her time on behalf of the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center. For the benefit of Hopkinton Schools, Lori and I worked together on the HPTA “Pumpkin Prom” committee, and there I acquired respect and admiration for her generosity, intelligence, and dedication to a good cause. She put many hours into making the event special for the elementary school girls of Hopkinton, as well as raising money for the HPTA. Since moving to town, Lori has shown that her passion for service is something that she wants to direct towards bettering the town of Hopkinton. She has embraced this town and is eager to give back!

For these reasons, and with great enthusiasm, I support Lori Nickerson as a candidate for School Committee, and I encourage you to as well. Please vote Lori Nickerson for School Committee on Monday, May 19.

Sonia Cleven
12 Bowker Road

May 13, 2014

  Support for Lori Nickerson

Dear Editor,


I am pleased to endorse Lori Nickerson for the Hopkinton School Committee. 


I have spent time with Lori over the course of her campaign and have come to believe that she has a powerful combination of skills and personal traits that will be a great benefit to our community in this role.  She is well educated, highly accomplished professionally and thoughtful.  She will also bring common sense and an open personality, which are equally critical for success.


Lori is deeply committed to Hopkinton.  She chose to come here for the same reasons as so many of us, including our top tier schools.  With three young children just beginning to enter the school system, she represents the future of our town in many ways.  She is already engaged in our community through several volunteer roles, and understands the key issues our schools face.  For Lori, joining the School Committee is a natural next step in expanding her involvement in town and helping to shape the school system for the next generation.


Lori’s background demonstrates prior success.  She attended Boston College and earned a law degree with honors.  Early on she worked as an attorney representing juveniles and indigents.  As an experienced corporate lawyer, she understands that complicated issues need to consider the business side, legal questions, and also pragmatic elements.  She knows how to ask questions and listen to the answers.  In our conversations as well as the materials on her web site, it is clear that she thinks about complex questions from multiple perspectives in an effort to come to the best answer, not just the easiest or the fastest answer.


Lori is also open, friendly and communicative.  I am confident she will engage with people on all sides of any issue and understand all of their viewpoints.  I believe her oversight of our schools will be positive, appropriate and focused on continuing to improve the education system in town for the good of all of us.  I look forward to working with Lori in her future interactions with the Board of Selectmen.


For all these reasons, I hope you will join me on May 19 in voting for Lori Nickerson for School Committee.




Ben Palleiko

1 Meadowland Drive

May 13, 2014

From Candidate Kelly Knight


With less than one week left in this School Committee race I want to take a moment and clearly answer the most common question I have been asked in the last ten weeks:  “Why are you running?” 


The simple answer is I am running because I will add value, and I believe that if a person thinks they can make a difference that they should step up.  I am stepping up. 


I have no personal agenda other than a desire to ensure that our school district is run in the most efficient, cost effective, and transparent way possible. 


I possess both a healthy respect for the past and a desire to focus on the future.  We cannot let prior decisions haunt us, but we also cannot do something the way it has always been done just because it is easier.  We must constantly improve.


Attending Town Meeting every year reminds me how passionately people feel about this town.  I am re-invigorated and hopeful that I will soon be able to represent our town on Hopkinton’s School Committee.


I am methodical, open minded and dedicated.  I plan.  I look for value, and I do not make decisions lightly.  I have five years of history in this community, three years of experience serving on our Zoning Board of Appeals, and over 20 years of business experience. 


Now is the time for me to put all of that to work for you, for our children, and for our schools.


I will be a positive, independent voice, and I respectfully request your support and your vote at the town election on Monday, May 19th.


Thank you,

Kelly Knight

1 Ledgestone Drive

May 13, 2014

Support for Frank Sivo

Dear Editor,


I am writing to you to declare my support for Frank Sivo for the office of School Committee. Where it concerns the responsibilities of the office of School Committee, 

Massachusetts General Law stresses familiarity with school finances, the open meeting law, conflict of interest law, special education law, collective bargaining, school leadership and evaluations.  Frank has the professional background and local government experience to represent our Community in this office.


His service to the Community and the Schools through his involvement with SPEAC, the Elementary School Criteria Working Group, (ESCWG) and his current position on the Appropriation Committee has provided Frank the working knowledge of the duties this office commands as well as how our local government operates.  I served with Frank on the ESCWG.  His communication skills, insight to the needs of the Community and breadth of knowledge of the subject were both refreshing and informative especially when the group discussed matters such as districting and facility equality.    


Educating young people is the most serious responsibility a Community has.  Hopkinton has always placed a high priority on education, continually pursuing a culture of performance at all levels.  Education advocacy is one of a school committee member’s must powerful and critical roles.  The Community deserves and should expect school committee members who have the compassion and the skill set to fulfill this fiduciary responsibility and provide leadership.  I believe Frank Sivo is the most qualified candidate to serve this office and our Community.    




Thomas P. Nealon

50 Front Street

May 13, 2014

Support for Frank Sivo

Dear Editor,

I confidently recommend Frank Sivo for the Hopkinton School Committee.  I have had the pleasure of serving with Frank on our Appropriations Committee and am impressed with his common sense approach, ability to build consensus, analytical and, especially, budgetary skills.   Frank’s financial sense as well as professional experience positions him well to serve the community in this capacity.


Frank is a long term Hopkinton resident and very invested in the community and will be a voice of reason working towards the continued excellence of our school system while maintaining a sense of fiscal responsibility to all Hopkinton residents.  Frank is a sensible fiscal conservative who wholly understands the need to maintain, enhance, and build our school system while also spending responsibly, and he is keenly interested in representing the community taxpayers on the Committee.


Wayne P. Pacheco

38 Greenwood Road

May 13, 2014

Support for Kelly Knight

Dear Editor:

We are happy to support Kelly Knight as a candidate for School Committee. We have had the pleasure of knowing Kelly Knight since she and her family moved to town in 2009.


Kelly is frank, yet fair; honest and objective and has the skills to continue to move the School Committee in the right direction. Her enthusiasm for learning about the school related issues, processes and personnel during her run for School Committee has been tireless and energizing. She is unafraid to ask questions and listens to responses before forming decisions. We need a candidate who will ensure that the community's priorities are understood and taken into account, and who can ask the right questions to determine the impact across all residents while being mindful of fiscal consequences to those who live in Hopkinton.


Please join us on May 19th in voting for Kelly Knight for School Committee. 


Carolyn and Peter Johnson

6 Tiffany Trail

May 12, 2014-Letters below

   Support for Frank Sivo


   I’ve been a neighbor of Frank’s for approximately 15 years, and have gotten to know him, and his family, quite well.


I find him to be a highly thoughtful and intelligent leader who is outstanding at setting and executing strategic plans for business issues as well as town issues. 


He’s an excellent listener who asks the right questions, is someone who is looking to makes things better for all and rarely has a personal agenda.  He is also a great human being who truly cares about others and has empathy for those in society who don’t have much or are hurting.


It annoys him when things in Hopkinton aren’t done right, and I know that he is running for our town’s School Committee because he knows he can make a significant difference for all of our children (and parents) in Hopkinton.  He is a very logical thinker who comes up with solid plans for improving things, and I have no doubt that he would do this for Hopkinton in this role.


I’m a former executive in the medical devices space, and have lived in town for 20 years, and rarely write references for people running for town offices but it’s a pleasure to be writing this on behalf of Frank, and really for all of us. 


The fact that he would volunteer his time and efforts on behalf of us all is truly admirable, and I know Frank is not running for the School Committee for self-gain, or for his resume.  He’s running so he can help people in our town. 


Many thanks Frank, on behalf of us all, and I hope you win a seat on the Committee!


Thomas H. Robinson

7 Stone Crossing Way

May 12, 2014

   Support for Lori Nickerson


We confidently recommend Lori Nickerson for the position of School Committee member. Knowing Lori, we are positive that she possesses the right skills and background to be an effective leader on the School Committee.  As a corporate attorney, a parent, and a volunteer, Lori has a track record of analyzing complicated issues, being a fiduciary of large investments and assets, as well prioritizing competing initiatives. In all she does, Lori exemplifies honesty, fairness, and thoughtfulness. Lori will use those qualities to create an atmosphere of openness in the School Committee. In the next three years, the School Committee will need to make many critical decisions including, how to solve the Center School problem and how to continue Hopkinton’s strong history of high performing schools.  We need people on the committee who will approach problems with openness and critical thinking.  Lori fits this description perfectly.  To ensure that we continue to make smart investments in Hopkinton’s schools, we ask you to vote for Lori Nickerson on Monday, May 19 at Town Election.


Bonnie & David Waxman

24 Glen Road

May 12, 2014

Support for Kelly Knight


I have known Kelly since my family and I moved to Hopkinton nearly three years ago.  During that time she and I have had opportunity to discuss a wide range of local civic issues.  Through these conversations, I have discovered Kelly to be well informed, analytical and pragmatic.  She has always been willing to objectively discuss any issue and actively listen to all thoughts and opinions while taking the time to weigh out all possible outcomes before coming to a conclusion.  These are essential skills and qualities that make Kelly an effective voice for our children and our tax dollars.

The demands the School Committee will face in the coming term require representatives who will not shy away from making difficult decisions; who will strive for greater transparency; and who will not hesitate to question the status quo.  Please join me in voting Kelly Knight on May 19th.


Dody MacPherson

11 North Street

May 12, 2014

Support for Library Expansion

To the Editor:

We are writing to say three cheers for Scott Richardson's clarifying letter to the editor of HopNews on May 10 about the expansion plans and financing for the library.  The logic of taking advantage of the grant as well as the generosity of time and effort spent by the Foundation to raise private funds to help with the project expenses make this the time to rebuild.  The potential for this project being the catalyst for the revitalization of the downtown area is exciting.  The idea of a centrally located, visible community center that happens to be a modern library with amenities for all ages appeals to us greatly.  Please vote "yes" in the election for the funding for the Library Expansion

Sally & Ben Getchell

20 Pendulum Pass

May 12, 2014


Support for Lori Nickerson

Dear Editor:
It is with confidence that I recommend Lori Nickerson for the position of School Committee member. As neighbor and friend of Lori's, I can testify to the fact that she possesses the right skills and background to be a successful member of our School Committee.  She manages everything she undertakes with great consideration and thoroughness.  As a corporate attorney, a parent, and a volunteer, Lori is equipped with the knowledge and skill set that would make her a great asset to our School Committee.  As a parent, I bear witness to her efforts in raising her own three children in a high quality manner.  Her extensive work background will bode well with the many decisions that she will be called to make, especially of great importance being those financial related and those requiring thorough analyzing and deciphering. With her own personal investment in the quality of our children's education, having three young children in the system will be an invaluable and motivating asset, as she and her family will be reaping the benefits of successful and thoughtful school management. 

Please join me in supporting Lori Nickerson for School Committee at the polls on May 19th. 
Mary Holden
32 Glen Road
May 12, 2014

From Candidate Frank Sivo

Top 10 Reasons to Elect Frank Sivo to Hopkinton School Committee


#10:  Coalition builder - It is rare that the leadership of Hopkinton's Republican  AND  Democratic parties support the same candidate.  Thank you Ken, John, Muriel, and Dick for your support!


#9: Community experience - With 20 years experience in the community and our schools, I promise to make decisions which carefully weigh the interests of our entire community.


#8:  Experience with Center School - Through my membership of the Elementary School Building Committee in 2012, I have a deep understanding of the history, the options, and the priorities of this critical project.  I will make sure the town implements the best solution, at the best cost....as quickly as possible.


#7:  Data-driven decision maker - As an engineer, management consultant, and executive (BS/MS Engineer, MBA, Six Sigma Master BlackBelt), I always insist that decisions are made based on facts and analysis, not emotion, preconceived notions or personal interests.  If elected, I will bring a new level of rigor to SC discussions and raise the bar for proposals coming from administration.


#6:  Problem solver -  I believe in objectively and transparently measuring and analyzing our schools performance.  When problems are detected, I will insist on corrective actions from administration.  An example:  over the past three years, SAT math performance for female students has steadily declined (30 pts in three years).  We need SC members who detect, understand and insist problems like these are addressed quickly.


#5:  Experience with budgets - As a member of the Appropriations Committee and liaison to the School Committee I deeply understand all aspects of the Schools' and Town's budget.  There is no open checkbook.  I will insist we spend every tax dollar wisely.  Further, I will insist the School Dept. adopt multi-year, zero-based, operating and capital budgets to avoid "big ticket" surprises each year.


#4:  Strategic planner - As both an executive and management consultant, I have led major corporate and public sector organizations through strategic planning and execution processes.  I am worried that our current strategic planning process is being led by the administration,  not our elected officials (SC).  I hope to introduce process, experience, and leadership to create a strategic plan which has a compelling vision and an execution plan supportable by our town's finances.


#3: Transparency - For the past few years, the SC has not been transparent with our community.  On several occasions,  key discussions and decisions made by the SC in executive session were withheld from the community.  I am proud to have challenged the SC for greater transparency as a citizen.  As an SC member, I will continue to advocate for information/decision transparency and truthful communications.


#2: Independent -  I am running because I feel strongly that we need more truly independent volunteers serving on the School Committee.  I have no agenda to advance. I am not connected to special interest or advocacy groups.  I will not be a part of any "voting block".  And, I will judge every issue before the Committee thoughtfully  and objectively.


#1: Signs - Those darn red signs are so mesmerizing!  Vote for SIVO on May 19th!


Frank Sivo

14 Stone Crossing Way


May 12, 2014


Support for Lori Nickerson

I’m writing on behalf of Lori Nickerson to express my support of her as a Hopkinton School Committee member. I am the parent of a current 1st grader and soon to be kindergartener. From the moment I moved to town over 6 years ago, I’ve been involved in getting to know families.

I’ve gotten to know Lori this past year and she embodies everything our School Committee needs. Lori’s passionate, open minded, articulate, financially responsible, and driven to serve our children and to make decisions that are the best value for the students and our community. As a parent of young children herself, what matters most to Lori is advocating for the best education options at every grade level to ensure the future success of our children throughout their student careers.

We’ve made some smart moves in Hopkinton lately. Recently we’ve hired Dr. MacLeod, a Superintendent who impresses me and other members of the community every day. We’ve also hired incredible leadership at Center School, as well as the High School. I hope on Town Election Day, May 19, the community will continue to make smart moves in terms of the necessary leadership additions to the School Committee by voting for Lori Nickerson.

If you don’t know who Lori is, I encourage you to meet her at an upcoming event. I assure you, you won’t be disappointed. I look forward to seeing you at the polls on May 19 as together, we vote for Lori Nickerson.

Mary Schofield
28 N. Mill Street

May 11, 2014


Support for Kelly Knight

Dear Editor,

It has been 7 years since either of us has had a child in the Hopkinton school system, however, because we believe that the foundation of our community reflects the quality of our schools, we remain engaged in the school committee races each year.

This spring we are proud to endorse Kelly Knight for one of the two open seats on the school committee.

Kelly and her husband, Alain, are the parents of two children (ages 8 and 11). Kelly is a community volunteer, current ZBA member, and a full-time professional program manager at a local software company.

Kelly’s abilities and personality will add value to the current committee – she will provide an open, logical and thoughtful approach to problem solving, the aptitude to negotiate with multiple stake holders, and the skills to find the best solutions for both the students and the taxpayers. And she will do this without any preconceived plans or agendas.

School Committee members can have a profound and lasting impact and it is for this reason that we wholeheartedly endorse Kelly Knight and ask that you join us in voting for Kelly on Monday, May 19th.


Barbara Berke 

10 Gibbon Road


Susan Condon

9 Wildlife Drive

May 11, 2014

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