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Daron Arakelian (a ninth grade student) wrote the following as part of his Zine project in Mrs. Grady’s 8th grade English class in June 2011.  He had to write a research paper about a topic that was important to him. The following explains in Daron’s own words why he picked this topic.


Perspective of a Soldier's Son



The most tragic day that will always be ingrained into my memory is the morning of 9/11. I was 4 at the time of the attacks and was at my daycare. The reason this event is so tragic is not because I lost a loved one, thankfully none of my relatives in New York were harmed, but because my father was in the military and George W. Bush had declared war on terror. My father has seen many tours of duty to the Middle East, the longest one lasting 8 months. Whenever my dad leaves to go overseas it feels like a part of me is missing. He tries to call as often as he could, but usually ended up calling once or twice a week. Whenever my dad leaves for war, I always have a nag in the back of my mind that he won’t come home this time. Thankfully, God has smiled upon the Arakelian family he always returns in one piece.


Daron’s Zine on 9/11 and Operation Enduring Freedom


       The war in Afghanistan, commonly known as Operation Enduring Freedom was launched after the September 11th attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a crash landing in Shanksville, Pennsylvania (wheeler 17-22). The man who orchestrated these attacks was known by the name of Osama bin Laden, who came to terror after the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 (guidetorussia.com). The war is costing America billions each month and has met heavy criticism by the world and the country (washingtonpost.com). Even with the heavy costs, the war serves a purpose of liberating Afghanistan from the Taliban and turning the thirty third poorest country in the world into a more stable country than what is so commonly associated with the Middle East (www.cia.gov).

        On a clear, sunny morning New York City was bustling with workers getting to their jobs, no one thought anything bad was going to happen, but they were quite wrong. The day is going on as normal, but at 8
:45 A.M. Flight 11, which was a Boeing 767, smashes into the North Tower. The plane had over 20,000 gallons of jet fuel in it, which started a roaring fire, weakening the steels fire-proofing and ultimately causing the tower to collapse at 10:28 A.M. Another Boeing 767 plane crashed into the South Tower at 903, this was Flight 175, carrying a good deal of jet fuel, about as much as Flight 11. Both towers had finally collapsed at 10:28 A.M. The Pentagon was struck by Flight 77 at 9:43,but the building only suffered minimal damage, and very few were killed at the Pentagon compared to the Twin Towers. 9/11 was the cause of over 3,000 innocent civilians killed, and many more children, husbands and wives left without a loved one in their life. The man responsible for these attacks had a deep rooted hatred of America which goes all the way back to the Reagan and Clinton administrations. (Wheeler 17-22)
        When the Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979 under the Premier Leonid Brezhnev, they inadvertently formed the Taliban, and subsequently, al-Queda. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan did not lead to Operation Enduring Freedom, but it was a major influence. When the Soviets invaded, they caused a group of rag-tag freedom fighters know as the Mujahideen to try to repel the Soviet occupation. The Mujahideen were outnumbered, out gunned, and out trained by the Soviet Spetnaz, KGB, and the rest of the 40th Army. The Soviet Union began its occupation by covertly infiltrating Afghan government institutions such as the communications hub, and the presidential palace. When the Soviets began their full on military campaign, the U.S.A. decided to secretly intervene. The Soviets main advantage over the Mujahideen was the fact that they had helicopters. The United States did not want the Soviet communist regime to spread so they equipped the Mujahideen with American made Stinger Ground-to-Air portable rocket launchers. The Afghan rebels were now able to efficiently shoot down Soviet helicopters, nullifying the Soviets air advantage. One prominent freedom fighter was Osama bin Laden, the former leader of al-Queda and mastermind behind the 9/11 plot. He came from a wealthy Saudi family and joined the Mujahideen in Pakistan to help provide funding and arms for the jihadi. The USA provided funding and aid through the Pakistani ISI, their equivalent of our CIA, and this funding came back to bite us in the behind when bin Laden formed al-Queda and waged jihad against America. The Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan in 1989 under Mikhail Gorbachev due to them suffering heavy losses and cost. After the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Soviet Union started to fall apart, and it had experienced “America’s Vietnam” (guidetorussia.com).

        The military campaign Operation Enduring Freedom is an extensive struggle to rid Afghanistan from Taliban clutches and build the 3rd poorest country in the world into a country capable of defending its borders and ensuring no terrorist organization is every harbored within the country, least another 9/11 happens. OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom) was launched in response to the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the Taliban’s refusal to hand over Osama bin Laden on October 7th and has lasted for well over 9 years, a war longer than Vietnam, once thought of as America’s longest war. This war was launched by the NATO coalition consisting of countries such as Britain, Canada, France, Germany, etc. The opening weeks of OEF were mainly focused on disrupting terrorist training camps, raiding known Taliban strongholds, such as air strikes on Tora Bora and other provinces. The CIA was the first combat units on the ground in Afghanistan and was soon joined by units from USSOCOM (United States Special Operations Command). After the US backed Northern Alliance took the city of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, the rest of the cities and provinces fell like dominoes to the American coalition. The Taliban were soon ousted from power and Afghanistan started to see an actual form of government when they voted for a parliament and a president. However, OEF has started to lose its steam because of increased terrorist attacks, corruption within the Afghan government and the fact that the United States is not able to efficiently train an Afghan Army and police force. The total number of troops in Afghanistan as of now is over 130,000 militants just from the US and other NATO countries. Afghanistan has provided over 260,000 militants in both the police force and the national army. With great determination, and an increase in Afghan and Pakistan cooperation, America can hopefully see this mission as a success and withdraw most if not all of our troops from the Afghan region (Woodward 5-300).

        OEFs intentions were good; to avenge 9/11 and help Afghanistan but this war is still meeting some harsh criticism from the media. One of the most major issues addressed by the media is the treatment of suspected terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, a detention facility owned and operated by the US military and the CIA on a strip of land in Cuba. These detainees have been allegedly tortured and treated harshly by the US government. The media claims that these terrorists have been subject to cruel and unusual punishments such as water boarding. Water boarding is where the detainee is restrained to something, usually while he or she is on his or her back, and gets water poured over him or her to simulate drowning. Detainees have also been reported to have been deprived of water and food for more than 24 hours at a time while in uncomfortable positions. President Obama has made plans to close down Guantanamo Bay, but it still remains open as of now. Others criticize the war for being too costly. At an average monthly cost of over 10 billion dollars and with the national debt over 10 trillion dollars, most Americans do not wish to be spending this excess money on foreign affairs, regardless of the reason.  Many people even think 9/11 was done by the government; however this is not true because many people saw the planes hit the WTC and the Pentagon, debris was found everywhere and the buildings collapsed (washingtonpost.com).

        OEF has met harsh criticism at the hands of the nation and the media. It has lasted over 9 years, becoming America’s new Vietnam, while plunging the nation into even more debt. It occurred because of 9/11, arguably the worst day in our great nation’s history, shocked the nation in awe. The mad men who thought of the sickening idea to end thousands of people’s lives could very well have been our nations doing when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Yet, this war has brought the people of America closer and has brought justice amongst the wrong doers that knocked down our buildings. As George W. Bush once said "Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America" (George W. Bush).

Reprinted on the tenth Anniversary of the attack on America

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